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Thread: Hey Kenny/ Mike Beals why do you do this?

  1. #1
    Registered Member ashaysathe's Avatar
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    Talking Hey Kenny/ Mike Beals why do you do this?

    This question is just for fun or I guess I should say not trying to "bust anybody chops"

    Here is the question - you guys get most amazing fish and every shipment is a new benchmark on its own. You post exquisite photos that give more than justice to the fish

    But then after each fish and each tank shot come this shot - This is from Kenny's latest shipment. My question is "Why this shot?" This is for every single fish for each shipment all the time always. WHY?

    My 7 yr old looked at this photo and said why are all the fish in the frying pan.. No kidding

    In all due respect - this is a friendly question.
    Ashay Sathe
    Always two there are, no more, no less: a master and an apprentice.


  2. #2
    Registered Member
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    Default Re: Hey Kenny/ Mike Beals why do you do this?


    The Bucket shots are of the actual shipment being received. Every fish is pictured. Size, shape, color and patterns are represented right there in one lump sum. No way around it and no tank shot funny business.

    With the tank shots the fishes shape is sometimes not represented properly. Depending on the angle of the tank shot, you can make a football fish look normal or a normal fish look like a football. Also if the fish starts to swim the fins may not be errect and poorly represent the fish.

    Mike B

  3. #3
    Registered Member forrest's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hey Kenny/ Mike Beals why do you do this?

    hi Ashay,
    the reason why Jeff n i use the bucket as preview is to let our buyers see the condition of the fishes, fishes without good condition will not fully open up their dosal fin while they r in the bucket when stressed. Especially when we hold the fishes in hand (not in net), the healthy n stable fishes, without using any external forces, will have their fins shown fully erect.

    i understand there maybe a number of people dont feel comfortable seeing the fishes suffering in the bucket n hand, but it is a way for us to show our customers (importers n end customers) the condition of our fishes b4 they r being exported.

    thank u very much Ashay for this topic n let me have the oppotunity to explain why we do this.

    best rgds,
    best rgds,

  4. #4
    Homesteader Kingdom Come Discus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hey Kenny/ Mike Beals why do you do this?


    I know this is a long delayed reply on this subject, however I was under the impression the picture of the fish in the bucket was before shipping and after being sedated for the journey. I thought this was why they are all on their sides?
    Please straighten me out on this issue.


  5. #5
    Registered Member Discus-n00b's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hey Kenny/ Mike Beals why do you do this?

    From my limited knowledge, they are on their side because of the lack of water in the bucket. Its enough to live, but its not used as a tank for them. Gives the buyers a profile view of the fish. The shape, the color, etc. Easy way to take pictures of each fish, then in a normal tank setting.

  6. #6
    Homesteader Kingdom Come Discus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hey Kenny/ Mike Beals why do you do this?

    Thanks Matt

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