Golden State Discus

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  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Default TANK CYCLING

    Hello everyone,
    I just ran across this thread and thought that I might post it here. It may spark some intrest for anyone in the same boat as myself (fishless cycle for my grow out tank).;threadid=5807

    I have read somewhere that Carol has an alternate method cant find it tho.
    Comments please or other ideas.

    Rob ;D

  2. #2
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Default Re:TANK CYCLING

    Carol has some pure ammonia bought at the grocery store ( no suds, no lemon fresh scent).

    On 9/7/01 I added enough so my aquarium pharaceuticals ammonia test kits read 4 or 5 ppm. Then I tested it every week until the ammonia level starts to drop. I kept the ammonia level at 4 or 5 ppm

    Start testing for nitrIte after 2 or 3 weeks. (It took 4 weeks for nitrIte to show up at my house - 10/3/01)

    10/15/01 tank was fully cycled - Do a 90% water change before adding fish - nitrAtes are sky high!

    I tested cycle by adding ammonia to register 5 ppm, waited 24 hours and retested ammonia (0), nitrIte (0) and nitrAte(sky high)


  3. #3
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    Default Re:TANK CYCLING

    How about this. I have a new 92 gal tank that I am starting and tearing down a 55 gal tank. I have a canister filter for both and I am going to bring over some of the biological media to the new bigger canister (probly 3/4's). My question is this how long do I have to wait to add fish in this situation and what tests should I run to make sure everything is correct before adding fish? I have not set up a tank in a long time and any suggestions would be helpful.

  4. #4
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Default Re:TANK CYCLING

    You don't have to wait at all. In fact the bacteria on the media will start to die off if you don't have any discus in the tank.

    So, fill your new tank with water, add heater and filter without media, let run overnight to make sure tank doesn't leak, let temp and pH stabilize. then add discus and media to filter.


  5. #5
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    Default Re:TANK CYCLING

    Thanks Carol I really appreciate the quick response. This is a great board to belong to everyone is really helpful. ;D

  6. #6
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    Default Re:TANK CYCLING

    I don't have my discus yet will a small and medium african catfish hold the bacteria until I get the discus? I will also be putting in a piece of driftwood in the new tank that came from the old tank.

  7. #7
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:TANK CYCLING


    That won't be enough fish load and most of the bacteria will die off..

    You'd be better off adding some amonia to the tank to feed the bacteria untill you get your discus...



  8. #8
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Default Re:TANK CYCLING

    Youo can either wait to add the filter media until you get the discus or you can feed the filter pure ammonia - I use a capful every day for a 55 gallon - don't forget to do a big water change the day before you get your discus.


  9. #9
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    Default Re:TANK CYCLING

    So 1 1/2 capfuls of pure ammonia for my tank with the filter media in the canister. Can I also add the African catfish or will the ammonia hurt the?

  10. #10
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Default Re:TANK CYCLING

    Lol, Fishless means no fish, not any type of fish. Of course I personally wouldn't mix any other type of fish in with discus . . . .

  11. #11
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    Default Re:TANK CYCLING

    I'm new around here.
    I've a 65 gal tank ciclyng with two aquaclear 500 both w/ two pads of foam (media) it's been running for 3 days , I've 6 small discus in a 20 gal tank waiting to go there, but now I'm confused about your comments, I thouth that I should wait 1 week, I'm adding some water from the tank that I have the discus to the new one to accelerate the process,but there's no fish in that tank and I add a few cups of nitrifing bacteria plus the one from the water comming from the cycled tank. After 3 days(today) the water is a kind foggy, do I have to had ammonia ? where I can get ? or should I put the fish in the tank with the filter that I'm using in the 20gal Tank. Please I really appreciate your comments :

  12. #12
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Default Re:TANK CYCLING

    One aqua Clear 500 is enough for a 65 gallon tank. Take the media from the filter on the 20 gallon tank. Put it in the Aqua clear 500. Add discus to 65 gallon tank. You have instantly cycled the filter. You are sure the filter on the 20 gallon with the discus in it now is fully cycled - right?


  13. #13
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    Default Re:TANK CYCLING

    Long winded response:

    Basically Joao,

    Fish produce ammonia in the form of fish poo and uneaten food. If a new tank with new filters set up with no fish then there is no chance for the filters to grow bacteria which convert the ammonia to a nitrite and eventually an harmless Nitrate.

    What they are talking about here is growing this bacteria in the filters by way of simulating the waste product of the fish by adding ammonia to the tank. This then gets the bacteria growth going and within a few weeks the filters will be full of bacteria to chew through fish waste, at which time you would add the fish.

    Carol is right, if your 20gal has filters that are already cycled (full of bacteria) then just add the old filter sponge to the new filters to help your AQ500 get going.


  14. #14
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    Default Re:TANK CYCLING

    Thank's Friends for the help.
    What about if I put the filter's on the new tank and let the others to get the colony , and then I will take'm away, how long should I wait , two days are enough?
    So you think two acquaclear 500 is two much for 65 gal, what about if I leave them running slowly?

    Thank you friends, you are a gret help and fish saver's.

  15. #15
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Default Re:TANK CYCLING

    OnNe aqua clear 500 is plenty. Put the media from the 20 gallon into the AC filter add leave it there for a couple of WEEKS. Then you can put it back into the filter on the 20 gallon tank.


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