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Thread: Crocs are dangerous - lets kill them

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Default Crocs are dangerous - lets kill them

    The ignorance and stupidity of mankind will never cease to amaze me.
    "oh my gosh..she got eaten by a crocodile..".......... well HELLO!........ the area if packed with warning signs.crocodiles in this area!do not swim!
    yet they went for a moonlight swim.... unbelievable!
    This stupid bi#@# ignored the warnings and now the croc has been slaughtered. WHY?

  2. #2
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    Default Re:Crocs are dangerous - lets kill them

    They do the same thing here. They found cougar tracks near a wilderness trail, it hadn't even attacked anyone (they rarely attack humans but they were worried about the pets). So they tracked it down and killed it.
    Sometimes I think we are like some giant bacteria that is intent on covering every inch of the planet.

  3. #3
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    Default Re:Crocs are dangerous - lets kill them

    thats what seperates us from animals..they kill for food.
    humans kill for fun and sports.

  4. #4
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    Default Re:Crocs are dangerous - lets kill them

    Hi all,
    Hey Pascale, these stories REALLY IRRITATE me. Why is it that we(humans) feel we are the supreme species(self-touted!) and OWN this planet? If I was unlucky(nevermind if I was a COMPLETE IDIOT getting myself in trouble!) enough to get killed or eaten by a wild animal, IT IS MY OWN FAULT. It totally amazes me that a human can go out and commit pre-meditated MURDER on one or more humans, but do they get their a$$ smoked.......H**L NO(we gotta have a trial for 50 years), cause they are "human" and we should be compassionate towards the lunatics. When it comes to an animal doing what they are SUPPOSED TO DO(defend their young or EAT) we think they have to be exterminated, cause they did a bad thing to a human! We are becoming such a joke, IMO, that it almost is physically sickening!


  5. #5
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    Default Re:Crocs are dangerous - lets kill them

    and its always the same story....
    you may recall the AZARIA case many years ago,mother claimed a dingo killed her baby.. off they went and killed hundreds of dingos.

    a shark attack - same thing

    I agree with you 100% - as it is,we have destroyed most of their natural habitats worldwide. Animals are now mainly kept in reserves.... the animals that we have are nearly all endangered,some very close to extinction.

    You must know then that as for our discus,if their habitat continues to be interfered with,and if they continue to take fish out of the areas there will come a time when no more wild discus will exist.
    That is one of the problems. Is it controlled,or do they take whatever the demand is.
    scary thoughts...

  6. #6
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:Crocs are dangerous - lets kill them

    Hope it enjoyed its last meal. Sorry, they do this to the gators in the Everglades.

    Gee ...I don't know why it ate my dog... I fed that gator everyday, and then I have my dog leased down there by the lake and the gator just came right up and sucked it down like the chicken I feed it all the time... well at least it follows me around the yard like the dog used to do. :


  7. #7
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    Default Re:Crocs are dangerous - lets kill them

    Hey Brew
    this sounds like a scene from "Lake Placid"... the woman feeding her cows to the croc...LOL

  8. #8
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:Crocs are dangerous - lets kill them

    yup it is like that.

    For the protection of humns there are signs posted everywhere in southern florida that state if you feed the gator, the gator will be destroyed.... doesn't even have to attack a person... just lose its fear of people--happen when they are fed by people and associate the people with food.....HMMMM


  9. #9
    Registered Member Lynn's Avatar
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    Default Re:Crocs are dangerous - lets kill them

    Hi Pascale,

    I hate these kinds of stories...same things happen to bears too, and countless other species.
    As far as discus collecting goes, I can't decide if its good or bad.......possibly good because it provides money for the locals, instead of them chopping down the forest for farming or ranching, possibly bad because discus habitat is disturbed while collecting and too many may be taken.
    I guess its a double edge sword


  10. #10
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    Default Re:Crocs are dangerous - lets kill them

    humans are hunters - they will never learn.
    unless one day,they become the hunted

  11. #11
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    Default Re:Crocs are dangerous - lets kill them

    I'm just tired of people's FELONY STUPIDITY in general! "Let's swim in the croc habitat. It will be a rush." or "I ate McDonalds every day for 30 years and now I'm obese and have heart disease. I want MONEY!"... America is this worst for people just refusing to take responsibility for their actions and California (where I live) is the worst of the worst.

    Right now a widow is suing the state because her husband, who built racing boats, took 4 perspective buyers out on a lake at 4 am one morning in a prototype boat. The boat flipped when the were doing over 100 MPH and there were no life jackets, seats, or any other required safety features in the boat. Everyone died. Now the widow is claiming that even though the park and the lake have signs saying 25 MPH max and even though her husband had been stopped and ticketed lots of times for these kinds of adventures, he was not stopped this time and therefore it's the state's fault.

    I'm sorry, but people who die because of their own stupidity should have absolutely no rights. We should acknowlede the stupidity that caused their death and point out to our children what they did wrong so the kids will grow up and be more responsible than we are today.

    Anyway, that's my RANT.



  12. #12
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    Default Re:Crocs are dangerous - lets kill them

    i could not agree more.

    not animal related but -
    that serial killer here - ivan milat - that killed backpackers.... some of his xrays were released to the press. he wants to sue for breech of privacy. what a joke

  13. #13

    Default Re:Crocs are dangerous - lets kill them

    Crocodiles are dangerous but you shouldn't kill them. That would make Steve Irwin pretty upset. I went over seas this past summer. We went to this zoo/amusement park and they had a monorail going over some croc pits. It would be very unpleasant if that monorail tipped over into the croc pit. No window or anything to protect you from what lies below.

  14. #14
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    Default Re:Crocs are dangerous - lets kill them

    there is a saying;;

    Kill them all and let God sort it out.

  15. #15
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    Default Re:Crocs are dangerous - lets kill them

    I think that the stupid people should be punished rather than the animal cause they are the ones that are going into its territory and then they blame it for everything. Its like shooting somone than telling them that its their fault cause they got in the way of the bullet. ;D

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