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Thread: Water weight in 3rd floor Apartment

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Default Water weight in 3rd floor Apartment

    Any contractors on Simply Discus? I live in third floor apartment and I have a 60g , 30g, and my new addition 55g drum for aging water in one room. This comes out to 145g or approximately 1189 pounds. Do you think this is safe or should I move my storage barrel outside on the balcony. I would hate to crash through the ladys roof down stairs. I would move it outside but I'm unsure I can keep the temperature at 86f when it gets down to the 30's at night. I live in Texas but it still gets cold. Suggestions and warnings welcome. I haven't crashed through the roof yet but I just got the drum today. My girlfriends going to be real happy when she sees this drum tonight eheheh ;D

  2. #2
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    Default Re:Water weight in 3rd floor Apartment

    The total weight isn't an issue, what you have to watch for is the pounds per square foot. The weight from a tank is spread out over three or six foot length. The barrel though has a lot of weight on a small area. But even so, it is still only 600 pounds (full) on more than two square feet, not really enough to be concerned about (unless the building is old or has termite damage). You can put some boards under the barrel though to spread out the weight if you want.

  3. #3
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    Default Re:Water weight in 3rd floor Apartment

    I used to have the exact same set up as you. 65, 30 and a 50 in a 3rd floor apartment.

    I didn't have a problem, although I didn't keep the tanks side by side, they were all in different rooms.


  4. #4
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Default Re:Water weight in 3rd floor Apartment

    I think you'll be OK, especially if you put them by exterior walls where there is the most support.

  5. #5
    Registered Member ronrca's Avatar
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    Default Re:Water weight in 3rd floor Apartment

    I would not worry my friend! Just tell everyone below you that you are experimenting and cross breeding flying fish! ;D :funny:

  6. #6
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    Default Re:Water weight in 3rd floor Apartment

    Thanks for the opinions. I just wanted to get some reassurance. They seem to be fine and are against different walls so I'm not going to worry about it.


  7. #7
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    Default Re:Water weight in 3rd floor Apartment

    IMHO not a problem not a problem at all.
    Here in Australia we follow the structural trends set out in the states. In the design of structures live loads and dead loads are taken into consideration, live loads as in people etc, dead loads as raw structural materials and the like. The apartments structural design would be at least enough to carry a small party group doubled, lets say 10 peoples * 2
    at an average weight of 65 kilos perhaps, if you crunch the numbers you would be well under the structural threshold.

    ay but you never know.

  8. #8
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re:Water weight in 3rd floor Apartment

    All the floor plans of a three story apt. should all be the same. The walls below you will act as load bearing walls and should support anything you have to give them.

    The main concern is waterbeds causing the center of the room to sag.

    You should be fine...

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