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Thread: Heckel discussion and observations

  1. #1
    Registered Member RyanH's Avatar
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    Default Heckel discussion and observations

    Hey all,

    I've only been keeping Heckels now for a few months and I'm still learning about how to properly care for them.

    I've noticed a couple of things since I've been fortunate enough to have these wonderful fish grace my tanks.

    1. It does seem that they do better in softer water. I'm not filtering with peat, but I am using an RO mix which has dropped their pH to around 6.6. Since I started doing this, they seem to be more outgoing and are eating better.

    2. I'd been having problems with the larger ones picking on the smaller ones. I think it was a territorial thing as the three smaller ones were introduced later. A couple of weeks ago I turned the tank to sit long-ways on the rack so I could fit on another 29 for a breeding pair. Since I moved the tank I've noticed that the hostility in the tank has been greatly reduced and all are getting along much better. The smaller fish aren't hiding at all anymore and are getting more food. The change of scenery seemed to do them quite a bit of good.

    3. These fish are absolutely mesmerizing. I really love keeping them. Yeah, I guess that's not a real observation.

    I'd be very interested in hearing about other peoples' experience and knowledge on caring for Heckels. Any tips or insight would be greatly appreciated.

    What water parameters are you keeping them in?

    What are you feeding them?

    What is your water change regiment?

    What has and hasn't worked for you in terms of husbandry?

    Are you using peat or RO or are you having success in your tap water?

    Any breeding activity? How did you do it? (Alberto? )

    What are you using for filtration?

    Pictures are of course welcome and encouraged.


    Seek ye the truth and the truth will set you free.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Heckel discussion and observations

    Quote Originally Posted by RyanH
    Hey all,

    What water parameters are you keeping them in?

    What are you feeding them?

    What is your water change regiment?

    What has and hasn't worked for you in terms of husbandry?

    Are you using peat or RO or are you having success in your tap water?

    Any breeding activity? How did you do it? (Alberto? )

    What are you using for filtration?

    Pictures are of course welcome and encouraged.


    Great topic

    Water parameter for mine: Temp at 84F, PH at 6.5 with RO/Tap mix, PPM @ 130

    Feeding: CBWs once per day, Hikari frozen bloodworms once per day, Vitamin enhanced flake once per day, Earthworm flake once per day and spirulina flake once or twice per week. (all my heckels are adults), they are not too fond of beefheart or mysis shrimp

    Water Change: every other day 33 percent

    Husbandry: They dont like artificial light, they are more active when the lights are off and just natural lighting, other wise they huddle in one corner. Ive considered adding some driftwood or live plants in pots to provide cover.

    Using RO: Yes I also believe that lower PHs make for happier heckels!

    Breeding: Only in my dreams

    Filtration: One hang on the back Aqua clear 300 with two sponges and one hydro 5 for my 46 gallon tank.

    Pictures? What the heckle why not !

    I recieved these 4 adults from Brew at the end of last year:
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Heckel discussion and observations

    I brought 7 Nhamunda Brillant Heckels and 3 blue face rio abaxcia Heckels a few months ago. I kept the 3 blue face in their own tank, it seems two of them have paired off. I have put a pair of domestic discus in there with them and it seems to have strengthened the bond a bit more. I am currently keeping the pair of blue face in pure ro and see if they will breed. They are very friendly, they will swim to the front of the tank when they see me and they will eats flakes from my hand.

    The 6 Nhamunda brillant heckels are kept with the domestics in tap water gh16 kh 14 and the ph are lower to around ph5 – 6 with acid. I feed them on flakes and pellets.

    What water parameters are you keeping them in?
    blue face pair pure ro ph around 4.5 28oC
    Nhamunda brillant heckels tap water gh16 kh 14 ph around 5 - 6 (lower by acid) 30oC

    What are you feeding them? mainly flakes and pellets

    What is your water change regiment?
    blue face pair once or twice a week with about 10%
    Nhamunda brillant heckels about 30% every day

    What has and hasn't worked for you in terms of husbandry?
    do not use sodium bicabonate, they hate it.

    Are you using peat or RO or are you having success in your tap water?
    blue face pair pure ro ph around 4.5
    Nhamunda brillant heckels tap water gh16 kh 14 ph around 5 - 6 (lower by acid)

    Any breeding activity? How did you do it? (Alberto? )
    i saw once, one of the Nhamunda brillant heckels were tyring to display to another heckel but the other one werent intrested.

    What are you using for filtration?
    blue face pair air sponge filter
    Nhamunda brillant heckels centralised filter

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Heckel discussion and observations

    Sorry didn't have time to go through all the questions. I 've been fooling around with the wilds for a few years. Cross anything willing to breed together along with the domestic crosses. I raised them just like the domestic with the exception of a tank loaded with driftwoods and plants (plastic) glue on an upsidedown flower pot which is also a resident of the bristlenose pleco. Whenever I found the rest of the fish on one side of the tank. It usually have a pair formed on the other side. I take the pair out in their separated 20 gal. breeding tank with a central system of 200 gal capacity. 100% R/O with 2-10 goldfish (depending how fast I want to add acid to the system)in the other tank to add acid to the water. Fish can tolerate extremely low ph created by the goldfish. They will spawn as the ph drop gradually. Heckels requires a lower Ph to hatch properly. As soon as the egg are turning black. I cut off the central system and start adding tap water to bring the mineral content back and Ph up. Otherwise they will die in the breeding water. They need the minerals to develope properly. 3 days after attachment. They are in tap water and they can be raised just like any domestic.
    Chinaman: here is some of your fish. Blue face heckels and Nhamunda heckel cross.
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Heckel discussion and observations

    Here is the blue face.
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    Last edited by JimmyL; 07-01-2005 at 01:05 PM.

  6. #6
    Registered Member Spices's Avatar
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    Default Re: Heckel discussion and observations

    Hey JimmyL,

    That's a lovely looking heckel-blend discus. That's what I like to get... some red finned heckel and some golden or yellow finned heckel. I guess any heckel is what I like. What the heck.

    Nice photos yall. Really nice.


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Heckel discussion and observations

    I love heckels ! I want to try breed them


  8. #8

    Default Re: Heckel discussion and observations

    As usual, your information is most interesting!
    Could you explain more about your goldfish method and why you use it instead of peat to lower pH?
    Thanks, Dave

  9. #9
    Registered Member RyanH's Avatar
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    Default Re: Heckel discussion and observations

    Quote Originally Posted by raglanroad
    As usual, your information is most interesting!
    Could you explain more about your goldfish method and why you use it instead of peat to lower pH?
    Thanks, Dave
    I'd be very interested in seeing some more information on this too, Jimmy. I've always thought of goldfish as being filthy and disease-ridden. I'm not sure how comfortable I'd feel having them in the same house as my Discus, much less the same tank.

    What do you do to them to ensure that they are healthy? What is your method for lowering the pH with them?

    Seek ye the truth and the truth will set you free.

  10. #10
    Registered Member
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    Default Re: Heckel discussion and observations

    I have been see some other discus breeders they put goldfish in discus tank. He said that Goldfish to clean up food, mircoworms, etc to keep clean water also makes ph down. Also goldfish are successful spawn in the tank when they can grow about 6"+

    I don't put goldfish in my hatchery.


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