Golden State Discus

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Thread: Anyone had experience with Mac's Discus???

  1. #1

    Default Anyone had experience with Mac's Discus???

    I am starting a new Discus tank and I am looking for a good breeder to buy my fish. I was looking at Mac's website and was pretty impressed with the website and was wondering if anyone has had any experience doing business with him, GOOD or BAD?

    Thanks for your input,

  2. #2
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Default Re:Anyone had experience with Mac's Discus???

    Hi Bryan:
    You'll notice reading through Simply Discus - especially the Breeder/IMporter and photo sections that certain sellers are highly praised over and over. Those are the folks I buy from.

    To make it easy for you many of the reputable sellers have banners at the top and bottom of this page that lead to their websites.

    I know there are other hobbyists in Tennesse - perhaps they could point you in the right direction.

  3. #3

    Default Re:Anyone had experience with Mac's Discus???

    Thanks for the reply. Like you said I keep noticing 3 or 4 VERY reputable breeders who keep getting mentioned with nothing but praise. I just noticed on Mac's website he had the most selection, escpecially of the colors which I was wanting and the others are not showing. Maybe I will contact some of them by email and see if they have access to getting the colors and/or strains I am wanting.

    Thanks again,

  4. #4
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Default Re:Anyone had experience with Mac's Discus???

    Websites are built and may not be regularly updated. Having lots of pictures of pretty discus on a website doesn't mean much - it doesn't even mean they are available for sale on a regular basis.

    You may see similiar discus named different things. Or totally different discus given similiar names. You will also find that some "strains" are not fixed at all - in other words only a few in a spawn may look like the fish pictured.

    Phone calls are a good way to get to know a seller and see what is either in stock or available soon.

  5. #5

    Default Re:Anyone had experience with Mac's Discus???

    I just always feel like I am bothering them or catch them at the worst time, escpecially since I am just at the stage I am in starting my tank. I will not even be adding water for probably another week and then have to cycle. I feel like when I call them they are wanting me to place the order right then and I don't want to get in any hurry until my water is JUST RIGHT. That is why I usually just email them so they can respond when they have the time. But, I am new at Discus so I guess I am going to just have to jump in and get my feet wet, literally. lol

    Thanks again,

  6. #6
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Default Re:Anyone had experience with Mac's Discus???

    Most of them are regular folks that won't mind a bit spending 10 minutes on the phone with you. Go ahead and email first though if you are more comfortable with that. ;D

  7. #7

    Default Re:Anyone had experience with Mac's Discus???

    Thanks and I will do that. I actually just had one of the TOP BREEDERS just contact me via private message. I am impressed by that and also with his website. Actually probably one of the best I've seen so far.

    Thanks again for your time and all of your help,

  8. #8
    Registered Member April's Avatar
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    Default Re:Anyone had experience with Mac's Discus???

    I say email Cary at Great Lakes Discus. tell him his MOM sent you.
    hes great..and is great for helping .and..he knows alot about how all the strains are made..and which ones are hardiest etc.. he wont mind a phone call at all. he prefers you can talk best on the phone.
    alot of pics on the websites..are pics of some of the fish similar where they were imported from. not the actual fish swimming in their tanks.
    Carys are his fish he has in his tanks.

  9. #9

    Default Re:Anyone had experience with Mac's Discus???

    Thanks for the reply and I have already been checking out his website as well as reading alot of really nice things about him on this forum as well as other places. If I mention that his MOM sent me to his website and told me to call him will this help me get the FAMILY DISCOUNT also? lol I have definetly been studying really hard on each breeder because these will be my first Discus and it is really hard to choose which ones you want without being able to see the actual fish. That is mucho money if you get them home and don't like them. That is one of the disadvantages of living in the Hills and Hollers of Tennessee, but, it definetly has it's advantages also.

    Thanks April,

    P.S. - RU really his MOM?

  10. #10
    Registered Member April's Avatar
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    Apr 2002

    Default Re:Anyone had experience with Mac's Discus???

    LOL no..but he calls me good enough. ;D
    he treats everyone great..but might get a smile outa him. lol.

  11. #11
    Registered Member Wahter's Avatar
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    Default Re:Anyone had experience with Mac's Discus???

    Yeah, but according to April, Kerry is Cary's "mummy".

  12. #12

    Default Re:Anyone had experience with Mac's Discus???

    OK, Thanks Walter, I am caught up now! LMAO! After looking at Cary's website, I sure wish I could find me a "Mommie" like that. I think you must have done a fine job April or he wouldn't have turned out that good. It had to be all the milk and cookies AND cupcakes............


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