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Thread: Is it possible to start a club in my area?

  1. #1

    Default Is it possible to start a club in my area?

    I'm only 14 years old and there is NOOOOOOOO clubs in Rochester, New York.

    There isn't a fish club, a cichlid club, a discus club, nothing. So is it possible to start one and how? People say it's easier to go to clubs, because you save money, meet people like you, and other pluses!!!! So how can i start a club, does it cost money, is it expensive, is it fairly easy, HOW?

  2. #2
    Registered Member
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    Nov 2002

    Default Re:Is it possible to start a club in my area?

    Great to see a young Discus fan join is!

    The Chicago area auatic plant club was started with a Yahoo group. The person that started it would watch the other forums for people to mention they were in the area. He would then email them and ask if they were interested. Then they told two friends, and they told two friends, and so on, and so on.............. When there was a decent number of members folks took turns hosting meetings at rexpective homes.


  3. #3
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Apr 2002

    Default Re:Is it possible to start a club in my area?

    Hi adam,

    First off let me tell you about the Northeast association...I'm trying to schedule another meeting in the next few months... This was the last one...;threadid=3184

    members from Rochester were there.

    second.. let me give you a few people to talk to..

    mench and gary1218 They are both from your area..instant message them here. They are great guys to talk to and are discus nuts extreme..if there anything discus related in your area...they'll know about it!


  4. #4
    Registered Member Jeff's Avatar
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    Los Angeles, CA

    Default Re:Is it possible to start a club in my area?

    Yep, get a hold of Gary, Mench, and SSTurner. Now there is a crew. ;D :P

  5. #5
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Is it possible to start a club in my area?

    Sorry, but I'm just too busy doing water changes to attend a monthly fish club meeting

    BUT, I'm happy to have discus people come over anytime to talk about discus and see my set up I only have a few tanks right now but I do have a little bit of a "fancy" set up.

    I'm about a 45 min drive from Rochester.


  6. #6
    Registered Member Alan's Avatar
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    Default Re:Is it possible to start a club in my area?

    There you have it, Adam. Meetings at Gary's every 2nd Tuesday of the month. : ;D j/k

  7. #7
    Registered Member
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    Mar 2004

    Default Re:Is it possible to start a club in my area?

    I am happy to start a club as long as it involves food and beer? ;D

    Otherwise my attention span won't cope.

    Plus I am happy to let Matt do all the water changes the only problem is, how do I do trips to NY frequently from Australia?

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