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Thread: Canada's way in deaing with rhe homeless crisis

  1. #1
    Registered Member bluelagoon's Avatar
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    Default Canada's way in deaing with rhe homeless crisis

    It is getting worse by the day. Too many people coming in and no place for them to live. Many are sleeping in cold damp tents and living in their vehicles. Winter hasn't even started yet. I guess this is Canada's why to deal with it's homeless. The man in the dumpster is ok but still homeless. So, this is what Canada is really like these past few years. SO, PLEASE stop coming to Canada we cannot handle the people that are already here. Just a rant. Merry Christmas.

  2. #2
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Canada's way in deaing with rhe homeless crisis

    Really!! You want homeless come to New York! It was terrible before. All shelters full and homeless sleeping in the street! Now our government is adding hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to the mix. Next is California! The homeless are building communities under bridges and elevated roadways. They too are now getting the illegal immigrants! Our goverment isn’t even taking care of its own (many military vets) and they are just adding more. Our past president had the right idea with the WALL.

  4. #4
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: Canada's way in deaing with rhe homeless crisis

    Quote Originally Posted by Iminit View Post
    Really!! You want homeless come to New York! It was terrible before. All shelters full and homeless sleeping in the street! Now our government is adding hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to the mix. Next is California! The homeless are building communities under bridges and elevated roadways. They too are now getting the illegal immigrants! Our goverment isn’t even taking care of its own (many military vets) and they are just adding more. Our past president had the right idea with the WALL.
    Homelessness isnt a political.issue..nor is it an American issue or a recent issue. .. its a complex issue that has been affecting many people for ages.

    Instead of making a scapegoat.. Id say its covid that was actually the real cause of the increases that are being seen globally. That and screwed up or totally lacking social safety nets. To blame it on Immigrants whether legal or illegal is really is not accurate!, imo.
    Last edited by brewmaster15; 12-02-2023 at 08:49 PM.
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  5. #5
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Canada's way in deaing with rhe homeless crisis

    Not blaming them just pointing out the fact. Both my kids are city cops. The number one homeless problem in New York City and now in most towns across Long Island and most of the state is the influx of illegal immigrants. Maybe your state isn’t getting as many maybe you just don’t see them. These illegals have taken over all homeless shelters and food lines. It really is shocking how many are here and they are being flown and bused up daily. How can we keep letting them in? With no plans or ideas of what to do with them? Where are they finding jobs? Before all this covid was a big reason for homeless. But the reason was people weren’t going to work so the homeless had no one to beg from. Instead of spreading out all over the city they grouped up and their numbers were finally noticed. They were the only ones in Penn station and Grand central. They were the majority of the people riding the subways. Most never saw this cause they worked from home. Yes very sad but how with these homeless already in place can you double to triple their numbers with no plan on what to do with them. You’ve got to realize something has got to give. The op’s ending statement was please stop coming to Canada! I don’t think he’s talking about tourist’s. .

  6. #6
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Al Sabetta
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  7. #7
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: Canada's way in deaing with rhe homeless crisis

    Quote Originally Posted by Iminit View Post
    Not blaming them just pointing out the fact. Both my kids are city cops. The number one homeless problem in New York City and now in most towns across Long Island and most of the state is the influx of illegal immigrants. Maybe your state isn’t getting as many maybe you just don’t see them. These illegals have taken over all homeless shelters and food lines. It really is shocking how many are here and they are being flown and bused up daily. How can we keep letting them in? With no plans or ideas of what to do with them? Where are they finding jobs? Before all this covid was a big reason for homeless. But the reason was people weren’t going to work so the homeless had no one to beg from. Instead of spreading out all over the city they grouped up and their numbers were finally noticed. They were the only ones in Penn station and Grand central. They were the majority of the people riding the subways. Most never saw this cause they worked from home. Yes very sad but how with these homeless already in place can you double to triple their numbers with no plan on what to do with them. You’ve got to realize something has got to give. The op’s ending statement was please stop coming to Canada! I don’t think he’s talking about tourist’s. .
    Of interest..

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  8. #8
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: Canada's way in deaing with rhe homeless crisis



    If you read the article you can see statistics on precovid vs covid and you can see how housing costs affect homelessness.

    There is also data showing homelessness increased after covid relief funds dried up.

    During the pandemic, Congress delivered billions of dollars in emergency aid that, along with state and local dollars and other resources from HUD, helped people experiencing homelessness find hotel stays and other rapid rehousing options. The federal eviction moratorium and similar state orders limited the number of people forced from their homes for nonpayment of rent. So it would be wrong to say that the apparent dip in sheltered homeless is mistaken or incorrect. But the findings require a big asterisk.

    Like I said.. its a complicated issue.
    Last edited by brewmaster15; 12-03-2023 at 05:22 AM.
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    Al Sabetta
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  9. #9
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: Canada's way in deaing with rhe homeless crisis

    More.. demographics of homelessness


    This in a very good read...



    Homelessness Among America’s Youth
    We previously noted the numbers of families experiencing homelessness, yet those do not account for all unhoused young people. Though advocates claim that the number of unhoused youths is vastly underreported, HUD found that more than 30,000 unaccompanied Americans under age 25 lack a permanent dwelling, and 13,000 of those young people are unsheltered.

    Since the pandemic’s start, governments, nonprofits, and other groups have made progress in reducing youth homelessness. The number of unaccompanied youths experiencing homelessness in America decreased by 12 percent between 2020 and 2022. California registered the most significant drop of any state (2,582 individuals) but still accounts for one-third of the country’s unhoused youth.

    The states with the largest shares of minors experiencing homelessness were Massachusetts (39 percent under 18), Delaware (32 percent), and Louisiana (31 percent).

    Racial Disparities: Homelessness Across the Ethnic Spectrum
    As with many economic hardships, homelessness affects BIPOC communities most deeply. The Black community suffers particularly hard, comprising nearly forty percent of all unhoused persons.

    All racial groups other than White and Asian Americans experience homelessness at a rate that is disproportionately high to their share of the population. The same is true of those identifying as Hispanic or Latino, a separate classification in the federal statistical system.
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  10. #10
    Registered Member bluelagoon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Canada's way in deaing with rhe homeless crisis

    Whether illegal or legal. It's housing here and yes our government for letting folks in with no place to live. The government left over 600,000 in this year and only 300.000 homes built for them. This has been going on for the past few years and getting worse. Our city is a university city and those poor students coming from India and middle east don't find this out until they get here and have no jobs and no place to stay. While the university is over there advertising/promoting to come here. Many of them are loosing $30,000 for tuition and going back home in dept. Just too many coming in and no place to live. It's actually driving rent costs up from the shortage and folks that have low paying jobs can't find reasonable places to live. So they wind up living with the rats. On the news just last evening a man found dead in a down town tent. This man had a construction job with two kids and found himself homeless because of rent costs and shortage.

  11. #11
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Canada's way in deaing with rhe homeless crisis

    Thank you Mervin. I lived my life in and in the outskirts of New York City the melting pot of the world. Immigrants have been coming through here since this country was founded. So I’ve grown up and worked with immigrants and homeless. The problem now is the influx of people coming in with no where to go and nothing for them. The places the homeless would stay inthe winter have all been given to these new immigrants. The food lines in the city that were just barely able to feed the homeless now run out of food before the old homeless ever get there. Many cities still in dept from the covid crisis now dealing with the burden of all these illegal immigrants. I see these immigrants daily. They sell flowers on corners coming up to your car trying to sell them to you and they speak very broken English. They’re selling flowers in the street a few door down from the local florist who’s still trying to get over his covid dept.

    So yes homelessness has been an issue for ever! Yes thousands of Americans have been added to the homeless problem since covid. This problem hasn’t been solved! But our government is not helping it by adding to it and the ones who are hurting the most are the ones you brought up above. They’re not the news there not the ones getting whatever resources that are available.

  12. #12
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: Canada's way in deaing with rhe homeless crisis

    Quote Originally Posted by Iminit View Post
    Thank you Mervin. I lived my life in and in the outskirts of New York City the melting pot of the world. Immigrants have been coming through here since this country was founded. So I’ve grown up and worked with immigrants and homeless. The problem now is the influx of people coming in with no where to go and nothing for them. The places the homeless would stay inthe winter have all been given to these new immigrants. The food lines in the city that were just barely able to feed the homeless now run out of food before the old homeless ever get there. Many cities still in dept from the covid crisis now dealing with the burden of all these illegal immigrants. I see these immigrants daily. They sell flowers on corners coming up to your car trying to sell them to you and they speak very broken English. They’re selling flowers in the street a few door down from the local florist who’s still trying to get over his covid dept.

    So yes homelessness has been an issue for ever! Yes thousands of Americans have been added to the homeless problem since covid. This problem hasn’t been solved! But our government is not helping it by adding to it and the ones who are hurting the most are the ones you brought up above. They’re not the news there not the ones getting whatever resources that are available.
    Immigration is an issue countries are dealing with. I never said it wasn't but by making it seem that immigrants are a huge factor in the homeless problem is just not fair to homeless people. It pays absolutely no attention to their circumstances. Making it about immigration belittles the homeless. The issues the homeless are dealing with go back long before immigration was hot button topic. The sad reality is nothing has been done about homelessness in decades..



    The numbers show that clearly. And if you removed every immigrant from the picture today, you would still have the same homeless problem because no one addresses the root causes.
    The focus on immigration deflects from actually having to deal with the massive problems surrounding homelessness.. Its easier to talk about and fits with all sorts of agendas. Immigration becomes a scapegoat for the social shortcomings of a country.. History has seen this scenario before. The real issues get ignored as they always have because the solutions are unpopular and expensive.

    I will bow out now...

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  13. #13
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Canada's way in deaing with rhe homeless crisis

    Yes you would still have the problem! But is adding 1.4 million this year helping anybody? Even these new homeless? Who come from very warm climates and will now be facing winter.

  14. #14
    Registered Member bluelagoon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Canada's way in deaing with rhe homeless crisis

    They need to build homes before they let more migrants in at the moment. It needs to stop or slow down or we'll never catch up. Letting more in now only makes it worse for them and the folks that are already here even worse. I know it will get worse if we continue this and have open boarders. I cannot imagine living in some of the counties they are fleeing from. They seem to have no rights at all. Some of those places are political hell holes and now climate change and famine will bring even more to our boarders. We can't supply our needs now, always short on some sort of supplies. So, I do believe it is an issue to let folks keep coming in.

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