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Thread: The Future is????????????

  1. #1
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Exclamation The Future is????????????

    Hi all,

    I wanted to write up a post here about something that is very important to the future of this forum. Forums today are in decline thanks in part to social media like facebook but also just because consumers of online information have become more and more accustomed to brevity. We text now in broken sentences and emojis and slang. We consume information in "tweets" which are constrained to an arbitrary 280-character limit. We have been conditioned to using the "like" button. Instead of engaging in dialogue, we have been spoon fed content through video services like You-tube and my personal non-favorite, Tiktok. Even the content we consume is curated for us by mega info brokers like Google. I find all this disturbing but it is what it is. That's where we are today, tomorrow will be something else I am sure.

    Where then does a forum fit in? Honestly it doesn't. Its a totally different creature. Its a place where you can have a detailed discussion on topics of interest. Its a Place where you can re-visit discussions that happened years ago and pick up where you left off. Its a place where you can search for information and read it, without some power hungry tech firm determining what content you get in your searches based on their ad revenue or marketing goals. Its a place where though you can post pictures and videos, the real value is in the information and discussions. That is why a Forum is called a Discussion Forum.

    So whats so important about a discussion forum. Its one of the few places left where you chose the content and you choose the way you express your views. Its a place where you can make a point and link to content or upload content that helps you get your point across. Its also a place where you can discuss differing opinions. A good forum will have rules of etiquette in place that help keep the conversation civil.

    The greatest strength and weakness of a forum is in its membership. Members drive the content and dialogue. Depending on how they post and what they post it can determine the direction and tone of the forum. It can also determine how active the forum is and its staying power.Ultimately the forums membership determines if a forum will thrive or will wither away . I know that many people read here daily, I can see the logs. I can't see what members are searching but I can see that they are searching..which is great as that means the forum is meeting one of its goals...the persistence of information and Discussions relative to Discus and aquarium keeping. The problem, though, is because of the things I have presented in this post the flow of information is one way now. Members have largely become consumers. Very little new content has been generated and when members do generate new content, the communities response and participation is lackluster at best. Even pictures of beautiful discus barely generate dialogue. I'm sure that its a complex problem and thereis more to than I have posted here. I am sure there is also information overload because social media has gotten so pervasive in our lives.

    So my question is a stark one. "The Future is ?????" Whats the future of this forum and others like it? I honestly don't know. I do know what would make this forum healthier is less apathy and more involvement. I'd really like to see members do more than just read a thread. I would really like to see members post more, share their hobby and interact in discussions. I would really like members that are reading here as guests and not logging in and posting content to realize they are harming the forum's future by doing this. To survive so that the forum is here for them to read, it requires their support and involvement.

    So ultimately the forums future is up to all of you. As the forum's owner I will try to drive content and improve the forum. We have several very supportive Team members here too.. Fellow admins Pat, and Brian, Mods Liz and Jake have really kept the forum going for a long time now and we all want that to continue. SimplyDiscus went online in 2002. Thats a really long run for a forum. I would like to see that run continue for years to come... but it won't unless members want that as well.

    Thanks for reading,
    Last edited by brewmaster15; 05-17-2023 at 09:51 AM.
    AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

    >>>>>Want a great forum? Participate in it and make one.. it doesnt happen on its own.

    Al Sabetta
    Simplydiscus LLC Owner

    I take Pics.. click here for my Flickr images

  2. #2
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Future is????????????

    Well forums are getting old. Unfortunately what you’re looking for is new younger users. I must say the like button may be the answer. The only other fish forum I’m on uses the like button and a series of awards and a small group of standard emojis to use. But this works! This brings in youth that at first participate by liking things. Next they ask or answer a question which is then greeted by likes letting them know it’s been read. Instant gratification . Then they get more involved.

  3. #3
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Future is????????????

    There is a ton of information and knowledge on this site. When someone has a problem the answers are there and step by step instructions given. I’ve mentioned this site many times on Facebook. Very few come. It’s sad the lack of info and the misinformation on most Facebook sites is huge.
    Next it just seems that breeding is way more important than the general keeping of discus. Most of the most experienced people here are breeders. Their long term tanks are rarely mentioned or shown. Most new people who have discus want to be keepers not breeders. So more on keeping, life expectancy of discus best ways to show and keep discus are here but few and far between . On all discus sites you rarely see pics of older discus. Myself I’ve only seen a life expectancy of about 2-4 years. I’ve seen many come here. Stay around for awhile and just give up. Many show up on the other site now keeping different fish. These fish are very hard to keep.

  4. #4
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Future is????????????

    Tom, I appreciate your views here and your input. I'm not in agreement with you on the focus of the forum being on breeding though. Most of the forum boards are geared towards keeping discus as a hobby..

    We have a board dedicated every aspect of keeping Discus from beginners to advanced. We have a board for novices, a tank journal board, a board for planted tanks and displays... one for understanding water etc.. We have a disease board. We pretty much have one covered for all aspects of discus keeping. As for most of the older members being breeders... one of the things that keeps people in discus is the joy of watching them breed and the associated challenges. I think you will find that many if most of long term keepers have tried to breed their discus or actively do. Its often what drew us into the hobby in the first place and for alot of us its what keeps us here.

    Im not surprised many discus keepers move on to other fish.. There are alot of different pretty fish to fill an aquarium with and people often want to try other ones. On ebay right now theres a guy selling a "Tearing down my established 180 gallon wild discus tank/aquarium to make it a saltwater tank. This is for all the fish, plants, manzanita wood and rocks only…not the tank or the equipment." Theres 12 wild greens in the tank. The tanks looks very nice. This is a display tank.. well established by the look of it. No idea why they are movig away from discus to make it a marine tank.. Ironically I did the same thing in reverse when I started keeping discus decades ago. I started with a pair I was given that bred for me...from that day on I was hooked. Discus are pretty fish... but theres lots of pretty fish out there and not all discus keepers will stay with them for various reasons.. They are not difficult to keep if you keep them the way they need to be kept.. but they are extremely difficult if a hobbyist tries to keep them the way the hobbyist wants to keep them without regard for the fishes needs. Some fish are more flexible to various conditions in a tank... Discus are more challenging because they do best under more narrow parameters . That most discus only last a few years in captivity is largely because they are not being kept in ways that allow them a long happy life. Many of my discus collection right now is going on 5- 6 years old and are happy and healthy.. Every fish I have at this point is also one I have raised from my own fry. I would expect several more years if I dont screw it up with them. I still have my group of discus from the 2018 forum growout challenge and am currently breeding them. The male of the pair that gave us those 2018 fry is still with me and doing well. My point here is discus can live a long time....but people need to give them what they need to do so.

    I would very much like to see members post more in the various forum boards here on their display tanks..I.would also like to see them.document what they do in them regularly so others can see what works and doesnt. Unforunately many peoples display tanks are not stable.. people add to them all the time, change things, add fish, lose fish. Many dont quarantine properly when they do. I see this alot with members transitioning from keeping other fish to keeping a discus tank. Just as there is a learning curve with breeding discus, there is one with keeping them in a display tank or planted tank. Its got ti be frustrating when you run into problems with a display tank that you spent alot if time and money on.

    As for the "like" system...its a possibility. Forum software can also be intergrated with facebook. But I am not really sure that is a fix... and making a discussion forum more like facebook may give us more activity but will it add content? Im not sure. I participate on another forum for photography and they use the like button... When posts I made there are "liked" its a momentary recognition but its also confusing. What about my post did you like? I much prefer when some takes a moment to quote me and says" excellent point..or agree 100%.. etc. It feels more personal.. There is also an inherent flaw in the like system.. Long term members inherently get more likes than new members which can make new members feel unwelcome. Its an option to explore more thank you Tom!
    Last edited by brewmaster15; 05-18-2023 at 06:29 AM.
    AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

    >>>>>Want a great forum? Participate in it and make one.. it doesnt happen on its own.

    Al Sabetta
    Simplydiscus LLC Owner

    I take Pics.. click here for my Flickr images

  5. #5
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Future is????????????

    I've tried to post twice now and my reply disappeared. It was my own fault. My wrists are lazy and I hit God knows what and writing disappears. I will try a 3rd time, but not now. I'm tired of my disappearing words.
    Mama Bear

  6. #6
    Registered Member farebox's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Future is????????????

    I'm a longtime member here on SD and also used this forum to increase my knowledge on how to keep these fish healthy. Yes, other forms of social media seem to dictate all kinds of info on fishkeeping and sometime could be misleading to discus keeping. Seen a lot of the old timers gone who help me get started in this hobby. Hope in the future new people will come and join and show their tanks, new and old. I myself had my 125-gallon tank running since joining SD, over 12 years. Stay strong SD.....

  7. #7
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    Default Re: The Future is????????????

    I will post more in a few days when I feel better as I am very sick at this time.

  8. #8
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Future is????????????

    Get well soon, Greg.
    Mama Bear

  9. #9
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    Default Re: The Future is????????????

    As a "newbie" to discus having kept them for only 1.5 years, I can say I have learned a lot from this forum. I disagree with Tom- no likes, thumbs up etc... That stuff drives me crazy. Al- one recommendation is to post your talk about discus. There's so much good information there and can really help a newbie. I watched it several times before my first discus tank and a few months in. I probably should watch again!

  10. #10
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    Default Re: The Future is????????????

    I am guilty of being a "lurker" on this forum for many years without posting a great deal. I am quite old and retired. I bought my first aquarium as child from a Sears catalog back in the late '50s. I would like to share a book I am reading that i think anyone who has been in the hobby for a while will enjoy. It is "Confessions of a Tropical Fish Addict" by Ross Socolof.


  11. #11
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Future is????????????

    A fellow old retired person, Cool! Thanks for the recommendation. I look forward to you posting more.
    Mama Bear

  12. #12
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Future is????????????

    Quote Originally Posted by pbhonl View Post
    I am guilty of being a "lurker" on this forum for many years without posting a great deal. I am quite old and retired. I bought my first aquarium as child from a Sears catalog back in the late '50s. I would like to share a book I am reading that i think anyone who has been in the hobby for a while will enjoy. It is "Confessions of a Tropical Fish Addict" by Ross Socolof.

    Glad to see you posting then! Thank you for the book tip! I will have to read that one... I suspect I will be able to relate.
    AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

    >>>>>Want a great forum? Participate in it and make one.. it doesnt happen on its own.

    Al Sabetta
    Simplydiscus LLC Owner

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  13. #13
    Registered Member
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    Default Re: The Future is????????????

    Al, I think one of the reasons that more people, young and old alike including me, is the astronomical prices that
    the suppliers are charging and the ridiculous price for shipping.
    There was a time where they were selling 2" fish for 25$ now they start at 31/2 to 4 " for 75$ to 90$ or more.
    Not many people especially newbies are willing to part with 600$ or more and have them die in 6 months.
    Thank God we have folks on this forum who sell fish at a reasonable price.One person that comes to mind, namely
    Liz. I bought fish from her last Sept. at nickle-quarter size, now they are 5-5 1/2 healthy , beautiful fish.
    I think if more people on the forum would try to breed fish and put them up for sale it might insure the future
    of the forum.

  14. #14
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Future is????????????

    Good point, Jay. And thanks for the plug.
    Mama Bear

  15. #15
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Future is????????????

    Quote Originally Posted by brady View Post
    Al, I think one of the reasons that more people, young and old alike including me, is the astronomical prices that
    the suppliers are charging and the ridiculous price for shipping.
    There was a time where they were selling 2" fish for 25$ now they start at 31/2 to 4 " for 75$ to 90$ or more.
    Not many people especially newbies are willing to part with 600$ or more and have them die in 6 months.
    Thank God we have folks on this forum who sell fish at a reasonable price.One person that comes to mind, namely
    Liz. I bought fish from her last Sept. at nickle-quarter size, now they are 5-5 1/2 healthy , beautiful fish.
    I think if more people on the forum would try to breed fish and put them up for sale it might insure the future
    of the forum.
    Jay I hear you loud and clear. Couple of comments. First on the fish size... I too have noticed very few commercial sellers are even bringing in 2 inch fish any more for resale. ...I think thats. A loss for alot of hobbyists. Smaller fish mean smaller boxes which brings down the shipping costs of orders, and of course makes fish themselves less expensive. Obviously there are benefits to the larger fish.. it allows sellers to sell fish that are well past the fragile ages so survival rates are better . Additionally it allows the seller to sell fish that look like they will look like adults. Lastly it lets sellers bring in less fish overall which means they can also do so on a regular basis. Commercial sellers are also plagued by high shipping rates. Freight from over seas has gotten ridiculously expensive for importers as well...and it all trickles down to consumers.
    I would love to see importers offer small 2 " discus but I fear those days are gone.

    I would also like to see more hobbyists breeding fish and selling them but its hard there too.I have bred and shipped alot of fish. There really only a few options for shipping discus and they are all expensive.. If you are selling .homebred discus you are probably going to be facing some expensive rates to ship your fish... customers then blame you when you pass along a quote. Its a bit defeating. I honestly hate shipping fish. I hate worrying about if the freight carrier loses the box or its delayed. I hate not knowing if the customer really knows how to handle the fish when received and I really hate how many peoples idea of Quarantine is very different than mine. Shipping fish to me is one of the least pleasant aspects of the hobby. But yes.. more hobbyists here breeding would be a good thing for the hobby and forum.
    AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

    >>>>>Want a great forum? Participate in it and make one.. it doesnt happen on its own.

    Al Sabetta
    Simplydiscus LLC Owner

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