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Thread: Altum vs discus fish

  1. #1
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    Default Altum vs discus fish

    Is it sensible to keep 5 inch altums with say 5 inch discus. I heard that altum eat food very fast that discus may not get time to eat and secondly altum could get aggressive. If one decides to keep both altum and discus in a tank 5 feet by 2 feet by 2 feet how many altums and discus are best kept together. Is there any way scaping the aquarium with thick driftwood so that discus get chance to eat as well. Can you keep Chinese hill stream loach,otocinclus and corydora sterbai with them

  2. #2
    Registered Member dagray's Avatar
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    Default Re: Altum vs discus fish

    i have and am currently keeping angels with Discus. Some will tell you it isn't a good thing to do.

    I kept a standard Philipine Blue, Blue Ghost angels with my wild cross Discus that I sold back in 2013, and I am keeping five Altums with seven F2 Batata Discus now.

    As to the Angels being quick the Altums are big and slow, and everybody eats just fine. But, I also have sponge pre-filters in my tank that the discus and angels will go to for a snack.

    I don't feed the tank again until the pre-filters are clean from flake or freeze dried blackworm.

    I also have a large stump, floating plants, plants growing on the stump for places to make the fish feel secure.... the Angels and Discus also actively hunt any pond snails that are in the aquarium.

    Again some more experienced than I will tell you it is a bad idea to keep Angels with Discus.
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Altum vs discus fish

    Thanks for your insight. Most people won't advocate keeping altum with discus but I think it's worth trying.

  4. #4
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Altum vs discus fish

    Many do keep altums with discus. Me I don’t. Angels of any type can be vicious. Why take the chance? Give the altums their own tank.

  5. #5
    Registered Member sanjay21's Avatar
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    Default Re: Altum vs discus fish

    I've raised Altums with my Discus. They are both in same tank (200g) for over 2 years now. I don't see any issues during feeding, no aggression shown.

  6. #6
    Registered Member dagray's Avatar
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    Default Re: Altum vs discus fish

    I have altums (5) with my discus (7) and dither fish (rummy nose and cardinal tetras and some hatchet fish).

    The Altums and Discus are all 2.5-3 inches.

    So far the jerks in the tank are the three bristlenose plecostomus as they are agressive to one another... enough so I sold the fourth one to a friend.
    God is the artist, he merely allows me to see and capture his work . coupon code: angelfish
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