Golden State Discus

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Thread: Stocking and bio load

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Lakeville, MN

    Default Stocking and bio load

    I've had some experience with fresh and saltwater fish but never Discus. I have a new 55 gallon tank going through a fishless cycle now to be devoted to Discus. My concern is in the bio load addition to the tank when I stock it. I've read about a minimum of 6 Discus is recommended in general. I've also read it is best to add all at the same time. My concern is that I've always been told not to add a large number of fish to a tank at once due to concerns with the bacteria population not being able to keep up with the increased load. So I guess I'm wondering how folks handle that issue? Do daily water changes mitigate any issues with the build up until the bacteria builds up to appropriate levels? Or do you not truly add all fish at once?

    I'll be looking to stock with a mixture of hybrids soon. Wattley Discus is my current thought for sourcing. Any other good suggestions near Minnesota?

  2. #2
    Registered Member bluelagoon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stocking and bio load

    I would keep the feeding low or not at all for a day or three and then increase the feedings slowly to begin with. You should have a full cycle within 4-6 weeks. The good bacteria do not live in the water column. I also would do a large WC just before adding the fish. If your tank is not cycled, then daily WC's should be done until the filters catch up.

  3. #3
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    For me don’t feed for the first day keep lights off. Check your water before you get your discus. Check your tap. Do you have an api mastertest kit? Check your tap water ph than let the water sit for24hrs and test again. You want to see if the ph changes by a large amount.

    Thing for me with new discus it’s best to change water daily at about 50%. This will help the discus adjust to your water. I keep this up for the first month than reduce to every other day for a few weeks than go longer till I find out what works. For me it’s 50% twice a week. Since your doing this your cycle doesn’t matter. It will grow during this time of water changes. I’ve never done a fishless cycle.

    As to places to get discus. Being your from Minnesota look into Dennis discus. I bought 4 from him last year at 3.5” and all 4 grew to 6” and are healthy! Next Chicago discus. Havnt bought from them but they are a favorite on the Facebook sites and all I see is beautiful discus and never a complaint. I would stay away from Wattley unforunatly he’s the exact opposite.

  4. #4
    Silver Member Willie's Avatar
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    I'm in South Minneapolis and will offer a cycled sponge to any hobbyist in the area. PM if you want to contact me directly.

    At my age, everything is irritating.

  5. #5
    Registered Member
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    Default Re: Stocking and bio load

    Just do water changes and don’t worry about the cycle

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