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Thread: Week fry

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Default Week fry

    I have a pair of discus which are about 4 years old they have started to lay eggs. This is about their 9th time. About 1/2 of the eggs turn white in 12 hours the rest look like they will hatch but after 24 hours they also turn white. Once on one batch 10 hatched but died soon after. I have separated them to give the male a rest and perhaps build up his sperm count and then but them back together again. They are extremely healthy. What else can be done to get good fry. The water has a tds of 50 and is changed 75 per cent every day

  2. #2
    Silver Member Willie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Week fry

    Quite possible that the male is either not fully mature or only partially fertile. Males take a long time to hit their stride and certain strains are just less fertile than others. Given the age of your pair, it's more likely the latter. I recommend that you don't allow pairs to spawn more than once a month to 1) maximum the size of the spawn and 2) minimize the impact on discus health.
    At my age, everything is irritating.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Week fry

    Quote Originally Posted by springer View Post
    I have a pair of discus which are about 4 years old they have started to lay eggs. This is about their 9th time. About 1/2 of the eggs turn white in 12 hours the rest look like they will hatch but after 24 hours they also turn white. Once on one batch 10 hatched but died soon after. I have separated them to give the male a rest and perhaps build up his sperm count and then but them back together again. They are extremely healthy. What else can be done to get good fry. The water has a tds of 50 and is changed 75 per cent every day
    about 1/2 of the eggs turn white in 12 hours the rest look like they will hatch??? What does this mean, were the eggs turning dark color?


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Week fry

    Yes the eggs where turning a dark colour and u could see a few wigglers

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Week fry

    Quote Originally Posted by springer View Post
    I have a pair of discus which are about 4 years old they have started to lay eggs. This is about their 9th time. About 1/2 of the eggs turn white in 12 hours the rest look like they will hatch but after 24 hours they also turn white. Once on one batch 10 hatched but died soon after. I have separated them to give the male a rest and perhaps build up his sperm count and then but them back together again. They are extremely healthy. What else can be done to get good fry. The water has a tds of 50 and is changed 75 per cent every day
    For the time being why not let nature take it's course. If you provide the clean water and nutritious food the fish can handle the rest. Something that you do not know and may never know is what the fry survival rate of discus fry in the wild are. Your fish may already be higher than the natural average.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Week fry

    Quote Originally Posted by springer View Post
    Yes the eggs where turning a dark colour and u could see a few wigglers
    So the male is fertile, the sperm count is good, but the wrigglers are dieing before hatching. This is common most likely from weak or mismatch genetic. What strain is the pair?


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Week fry

    The pair is triple a eruptions

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Week fry

    Eruptions are known to have this problem, I was lucky my Eruptions from Wayne didn't. One local Eruption breeder had the same problem and another had fry dieing after hatching. Some of the LeopardSnakeSkin and Singapore Firewaorks with the same issue. Other Discus do have the same issue but not as much as these highly spotted Discus. I think there is to much inbreeding and line breeding. Keep breeding and maybe one batch will be strong and successful.

    Last edited by CliffsDiscus; 02-16-2021 at 02:55 PM.

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