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Thread: Is my discus ok? (Brand new to discus)

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Default Is my discus ok? (Brand new to discus)

    So I did a lot of research and built a whole new tank set up specifically for discus. I only have one checkerboard blue discus in there so far with 13 cardinal and 3 corys. When I got it from my LFS I didn't notice that he had a little chunk missing from his eye which I've heard is a sign of stunted growth which I sure occurred from my stores terrible water quality for them was. But anyway I've been noticing he's been changing colors recently and darting around in front of the tank (I'm assuming maybe he's just hungry and comfortable with me now cause I feed him when I walk up Everytime) but it's been about 2 weeks and can't seem to find a good picture of what checkerboard blue discus look like when young and any info would be awesome guys thanks

    Ammonia 0
    nitirite 0
    Nitrate 5-10
    pH 6.4-6.8
    Temp 86.7
    55gallon tank

    50% water change every other day

    Gets fed discus bio gold, frozen bloodworms, discus Hans flakes, tropical flakes

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Is my discus ok? (Brand new to discus)

  3. #3
    Registered Member
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    Default Re: Is my discus ok? (Brand new to discus)

    This is what he looked like roughly 10 days ago. I'm new to discus and I am unfortunately not too familiar with what checkerboard discus look like when young


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Is my discus ok? (Brand new to discus)

    This is what he looked like roughly 10 days ago. I'm new to discus and I am unfortunately not too familiar with what checkerboard discus look like when young


  5. #5
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is my discus ok? (Brand new to discus)

    Hi Zclover95 and welcome to Simply. I would suggest you continue your research in the beginner section. You will find folks new to discus will have better luck raising them in groups of six or more and in a bare bottomed tank. Super glad to see you are doing every other day water changes. Daily is better when raising young discus.

    As for your little guy, the eye is called a clipped eye and is a defect from birth most likely. The discus from many LFS are generally not very good quality. Here's a good thread to illustrate what I mean

    I think your guy is a mainly a turquoise so he will be fully striated fish with a red background. He is also showing signs of being stunted. Please do more research and continue with your research and plenty of food and clean water for your little guy.
    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Is my discus ok? (Brand new to discus)

    See where I have read a lot about how clean young ones need their water I have also heard once they reach about 3-4 in they become more tolerable of water conditions but I've been pretend in I didn't hear that and been doing as many water changes as possible as large as possible. But that said I figured having a filter rated for 100gallons and a 80 gallon bio sponge filter would do the trick if I only put an 1/8 thick of sand and one Java fern mat with a few rocks and still did the 50% WC 4-5 times a week. So you are saying I should take those out for this little guys sake? I've wanted discus since I first saw them at a friend's when I was a child so I'm willing to do what I need to do.

    Also while you are here, I'm very curious what signs of stunting is the discus is showing besides the clipped eye? I ask because I haven't noticed any changes besides his color since I purchased him 10 days ago unless you see something I do not and would like to be mindful of it since I have 4 more discus that arrive early tomorrow. Anything helps, thank you so much hope y'all are enjoying the day

  7. #7
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is my discus ok? (Brand new to discus)

    Did you look at the thread posted in my post above? That should give you an idea. With young discus you want a small eye and somewhat round shape. Your guy is showing a football shape and a larger eye.
    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

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