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Thread: 150g tank leak

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Lisa Barry

    Default 150g tank leak

    On Wednesday night I notice that my 150 popped a leak. Afraid that it would bust, I moved the fish to a 75g cold water tank (drained it, treated it and filled with warm water). Had to moved the cold water folks to a plant 36 (yeah, they are eating well). In any event, I am uncomfortable with attempting to reseal the 150 and bought a new 120. All the media from the 150 are soaking in buckets (2 400 HOBs and 1 canister). So, the questions are: (1) how long until my media "dies"? and (2) I am worried about stressing the discus out even more by yet another move. Should I be? Or just wait it out for the new tank to cycle in the event of "dead" media and leave them be for now?

    Any and all suggestions/advise would be most appreciated.

  2. #2
    Registered Member Phillydubs's Avatar
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    Default Re: 150g tank leak

    Hi there and sorry to hear about your tank issues. I have had a tank bust and I know it is no fun. At least you had tanks to move them to!

    I need to ask a few questions... For starters, how many fish are we talking about here ? Second did you move them to the other tank but keep that tanks filter running with them??

    Is your old filter media in heated water in any kind of circulation or agitation i.e. And air pump or something ...? If not that may already be dying off or dead and you will probably be starting from scratch no matter what. I could be wrong but a few days no movement thjng feeding the bb a from or swing in temp etc all bad things for that bacteria.

    I don't want to jump to conclusions but I'm afraid you may have a couple issues lurking. I'd love to hell and I would not resell that tank that's just me. I am No pro at it but some are id rather get somehing new.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: 150g tank leak

    The media bacteria will die from lack of oxygen unless the bucket is aerated... and will die from having no ammonia to consume. It would have been better to move the filters, or at least the media, to the 75g along with the fish... not sure why you didn't do that. It might not be too late to put the media back into the filters and get them running again, maybe some of the BB will survive.
    Last edited by DJW; 08-27-2016 at 02:56 AM.

  4. #4
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    Lisa Barry

    Default Re: 150g tank leak

    Thanks for the responses. I did aerate the filters (and they were kept outside) and moved some media from the other tank to the new one to be safe. Doing daily water testing and all is good. As far as moving the media as suggested above, quite frankly I just blanked and I would still have media that need to be kept "alive." Moved the discus yesterday and left the angels in the 75g. The coldwater folks got a new tank as well which is cycling while they continue to raze the planted tank. Just seemed to be easier that way. This is my first experience with discus (only had them a couple months), but have many tropical tanks and may have panicked more than the situation warranted.

  5. #5
    Registered Member Phillydubs's Avatar
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    Default Re: 150g tank leak

    Sounds like things are under control. Just keep up with big daily water changes as best you can to really stay in top of things. That way if you have a mini cycle or any spikes you can be right on top of them. Would love to see pics of your set ups if and when time permits.

  6. #6
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    Lisa Barry

    Default Re: 150g tank leak

    Cannot upload the pictures (too big), but here is a Dropbox link to a couple of my tanks that I took the last couple days:

  7. #7
    Registered Member
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    Default Re: 150g tank leak

    Re-sealing is easy peazy man.. specially in a giant 150 lol... Get a box of razor blades... And go to town scraping all the silicone off.. Make sure you take your time and scrap it all off the glass.. Take breaks come back later no rush.. Then wipe it clean with rubbing alcohal or something. Get some clear or black aquarium silicone, an old credit card you dont use.. Cut the corner of the card.. Then use masking tape and maask all the merged glass peices about 1 inch apart on each side.. put the silicone on in a good bead around the entire tank and then use your card with the cut out corner to squeegy it nice and even... then peal the tape while its wet

    If you mess up and get stuff all over just leave it alone.. You can cut excess off with a razor blade.... I re-sealed my 44g pentagon which is alot harder due to the multiple glass panels then a regular rectangle tank like the 150g.. Havent had a leak in over a year and my seals are thicker then the original

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