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Thread: discus no eating and tranparent light brown feces, he stands quiet all day

  1. #1
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    Exclamation discus no eating and tranparent light brown feces, he stands quiet all day

    hi all,

    Its my first post and i need your help

    in October buy some fish kenny but one animal that does not happen it takes a month without eating and stands still when I was in the quarantine tank now I have in the hospital tank and remains opposed quiet all day alone in the night moves something happens that can not always see that behavior and that to me is strange not to swim in the aquarium
    I must say the fish was packed on a Wednesday traveled to Colombia on Thursday and get my hands on a Friday ... I was stressed out ? I was sick? although it was excellently packaged for the import sae takes a long time because in Colombia it is prohibited to import fish unless special permission and this time delay for delivery.


    1. Please explain the problems with your fish. When did you notice the problems and did anything unusual happen that you think started them?
    in October buy some fish kenny but one animal that does not happen it takes a month without eating and stands still when I was in the quarantine tank now I have in the hospital tank and remains opposed quiet all day alone in the night moves something happens that can not always see that behavior and that to me is strange not to swim in the aquarium

    2. Symptoms (i.e. turning dark, excess slime, not eating, clamped fins, flashing, darting, clamped gills, white/yellow/green poop, hiding, headstanding or tailstanding, white on tips of fins, rotting or fungus, blisters/white zits on fish, bloated, cloudy eyes, wounds).
    No eating, brown/yello feces, he stand so quiet in the tank

    3. What medications/ treatments have you already tried and what were the results. Include dosage and duration of treatment.
    A friend adviced me an applied
    Day 1 I set up a hospital tank , 10 gallon per fish, use 50% old water and 50% new water I use straight tap since I am in NY my water here is pretty good for discus soft. Then I set the temperature to 88, dose a quarter FLAT teaspoon of metro because my hospital tank is only 20 gallons. No sponge filter or any kind just with an air stone capable of producing lot of oxygen for the poor sick fish. On the first dose of metro I will closely monitor my fish to make sure fish is ok(if fish is acting uncomfortable or weird, stress then I must do a water change 25 to 50 % it depends cause that's a sign overdose of metro) Metro can be dose twice at the first day if needed. I started the treatment at Monday MORNING 7 AM.

    Day 2 Tuesday 7 am 30% water change. I dose the dewormer (levamisol)...only one dose is needed.
    Day 3 Wednesday 7 am 30% water change. I dose the metro again this time but only with one dose.
    Day 4 Thursday 7 am 30% water change. I dose the dewormer (levamisol) again one dose.
    Day 5 Friday 7 am 30% water change .I dose the Prazi pro 1 teaspoon per 20 gallon of water. One dose only.
    Day 6 Saturday 7 am water change 50% and I feed my fish with pellet food only very little just like 2 to 5 pellets just to see if the fish is eating or not.
    Day 7 Sunday my discus is eating...


    4. Tank size and ages, numbers and sizes of fish.
    6 fish at quarantine tank now fish is hospital tank 10,58 gallons

    5. Water change regime (What percentage and how often).

    According medicine

    6. How long has tank been running? Is it bare bottom? If you have substrate, what type and how deep is it?

    Bare bottom

    7. Do you age your water? If you do for how long and what is the ph swing.

    Treated wáter with prime seachem

    8. Parameters and water source;
    Note: Water Parameters are important in diagnosing problems within a tank. If you don't own test kits for the following information, you can purchase them, test your parameters and post this info as soon as possible.

    - temp __91,4 °F___

    - ph __7,5___

    - ammonia reading __0__

    - nitrite reading _0___

    - nitrate reading _0___ during treatment no feed at hospital tank

    What type of water or combinations of water sources do you use? If it is an RO/tap/well water mix, please list percentages in the mix.

    tap wáter with prime for seachem

    9. Any new fish, plants or inverts added recently. N/A

    10. Include any pictures or videos you have which shows the symptoms. If you can't add them to this post, please provide a link to them.

    in my quarantine tank

    in my hospital tank

    tanks for helping

  2. #2
    Registered Member nc0gnet0's Avatar
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    Default Re: discus no eating and tranparent light brown feces, he stands quiet all day

    Drop the temperature back to 82 degrees.

    I am having a hard time understanding all of your posts, but I think I got the jest of it.

    Let me clarify a few things........

    The fish is eating?

    You have dosed levamisol, prazi pro, AND metro.....all in the same week? Not good-don't do this.

    I don't understand, in parts of your posts you say you are in Columbia, yet in another part you say you are in New York?

    At this point I would leave the temperature at 82 degrees (drop it over the course of a few days) and finish the metro treatment since you have already begun. Carry out the treatment for 10 days. DO NOT add any other medications at this time.
    Last edited by nc0gnet0; 12-01-2014 at 02:45 AM.
    Ex-President-North American Discus Association-NADA

  3. #3
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    Default Re: discus no eating and tranparent light brown feces, he stands quiet all day

    Hi nc0gnet0

    Of course i clarify your doubts

    The fish is not eating anything since it arrived i had fed tetracolor , Hilari biogold, aquabites, dried bloodworms and nothing that was when it was at quarantine room

    Excuse me wrong im colombia

    I applied all mediciné accordin the treatment that i wrote before so i Dont apply levisol more? Prazi what should u advice me?

    Thank u for your comment

  4. #4
    Registered Member nc0gnet0's Avatar
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    Default Re: discus no eating and tranparent light brown feces, he stands quiet all day

    At this point I would leave the temperature at 82 degrees (drop it over the course of a few days) and finish the metro treatment since you have already begun. Carry out the treatment for 10 days. DO NOT add any other medications at this time.
    Ex-President-North American Discus Association-NADA

  5. #5
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    Default Re: discus no eating and tranparent light brown feces, he stands quiet all day

    but tihs moment ive been applying 1 days with metro and the following day. levisol and tomorrow metro...... lay off levisol?

  6. #6
    Registered Member nc0gnet0's Avatar
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    Default Re: discus no eating and tranparent light brown feces, he stands quiet all day

    Quote Originally Posted by Discuscol View Post
    but tihs moment ive been applying 1 days with metro and the following day. levisol and tomorrow metro...... lay off levisol?
    Where did you come up with that protocol? Typically Levamisol is used once, then re-treated again in three weeks........

    Metro needs to be used everyday.
    Ex-President-North American Discus Association-NADA

  7. #7
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: discus no eating and tranparent light brown feces, he stands quiet all day

    Hi Julian,
    Lets start over here. If I understand you , you bought fish from Kenny and are in Columbia? I"m pretty sure that Kenny does not ship direct internationally and if my memory serves me right, he can only do so using a transshipper of the customers. Is this how you got the fish? Looking at your post it sounds like the fish went to NY and then to you?

    If thats what happened, thats quite a journey. (shipped Wed and Recieved Friday) Its not uncommon for some adult discus to take weeks to settle in after being shipped a short distance/in under 24 hours, the longer the trip, the harder it can be.. Its possible theres nothing wrong with this fish disease wise...but that this is a side effect of shipping stress. Adding Meds to the tank is not going to make this fish turn around and start eating and by using alot of different meds, you may be adding to the problem as all that forces the liver and kidneys to work harder.

    I agree with Rick here and think that all the meds are a bad idea. You can keep the metro since you started it going but its not likely to help. I think I would try to let the fish settle into the hospital tank. Try giving it some live foods.. Mosquito larvae, Live Brine shrimp, small white worms or earthworms... even baby shrimp.. anything live is worth a try. Also see if you can get hikari frozen Blood worms.

    It may just be that this fish has traveled too much... From Malaysia to California and then to Columbia. Some fish do better than others under these conditions. I have bought,sold, and shipped alot of fish and honestly speaking sometimes, for some reason a fish just doesn't travel as well as we would like. This may be one of these fish.

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  8. #8
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    Default Re: discus no eating and tranparent light brown feces, he stands quiet all day

    Hello nc0gnet0

    That protocol as you call him , was a recommendation from my dear friend who I really Beastroy ivan recommended this procedure from the logical to the subway serves flagellates but not attacking worms and I think God gracais effective because tthe animal thank God for that treatment already eating

    Beast friend thank you very much

    You can watch it

  9. #9
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    Default Re: discus no eating and tranparent light brown feces, he stands quiet all day

    Quote Originally Posted by nc0gnet0 View Post
    Where did you come up with that protocol? Typically Levamisol is used once, then re-treated again in three weeks........

    Metro needs to be used everyday.
    Quote Originally Posted by brewmaster15 View Post
    Hi Julian,
    Lets start over here. If I understand you , you bought fish from Kenny and are in Columbia? I"m pretty sure that Kenny does not ship direct internationally and if my memory serves me right, he can only do so using a transshipper of the customers. Is this how you got the fish? Looking at your post it sounds like the fish went to NY and then to you?

    If thats what happened, thats quite a journey. (shipped Wed and Recieved Friday) Its not uncommon for some adult discus to take weeks to settle in after being shipped a short distance/in under 24 hours, the longer the trip, the harder it can be.. Its possible theres nothing wrong with this fish disease wise...but that this is a side effect of shipping stress. Adding Meds to the tank is not going to make this fish turn around and start eating and by using alot of different meds, you may be adding to the problem as all that forces the liver and kidneys to work harder.

    I agree with Rick here and think that all the meds are a bad idea. You can keep the metro since you started it going but its not likely to help. I think I would try to let the fish settle into the hospital tank. Try giving it some live foods.. Mosquito larvae, Live Brine shrimp, small white worms or earthworms... even baby shrimp.. anything live is worth a try. Also see if you can get hikari frozen Blood worms.

    It may just be that this fish has traveled too much... From Malaysia to California and then to Columbia. Some fish do better than others under these conditions. I have bought,sold, and shipped alot of fish and honestly speaking sometimes, for some reason a fish just doesn't travel as well as we would like. This may be one of these fish.

    Hello brewmaster15

    According to your question the fish traveling through a trannn miami who sent him to Colombia on Thursday and Friday night and had acclimated fish.

    As the drug through this recommended way to my friend Beast Could heal and is eating , I do not think it hurt the liver or stomach when used in appropriate doses, because the animal while standing still and this EATING and that has me very happy with this treatment could be that the trip was ill but were six fish and was one in a nasty condition that came swimming sideways (not this ) but recovered, besides he produced transparent feces

    here I leave the link where you can see how eating and I'm happy I hope you can soon have it with the other fish


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