Golden State Discus

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Thread: Food Recipes...

  1. #31
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    Default Re:Food Recipes...

    :-\ :-\Is it suppose to look like cow poop???? :-\ :-\

  2. #32
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:Food Recipes...

    Hi Gary,
    If it looks like Cow poop it may be too processed. Shoot for a HORSE POOP LIKE TEXTURE! ;D


  3. #33
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    LOL, Horse poop is right. Mine tends to be chunky. Some pieces are to big for small fish and have to be vacumed out, The adults eat everything.

  4. #34
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    Default Re:Food Recipes...

    Could I translate into your food recipies and put it on my site?

    Would you mind?


  5. #35
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    My formula is mainly chicken liever and heart:

    1kg chicken liever and heart
    0.5Kg mussels
    0.2kg spinacks (I boil them)
    2 Carrots (also boiled)
    0.25kg shrimp
    8 Calamari rings
    2 egg yolk (boiled)
    60 drops of a baby multivitamine complex
    1 garlic

    I grind all this and frozen in thin plaques between aluminium foils.

  6. #36

    Default Re:Food Recipes...

    Ok, excuse my ignorence but after it is made and frozen, how does it get fed to the fish. Throw it is frozen or do you thaw a little at a time and feed it to them room temp. Or maybe saute with fava beans and a nice Chianti :P

  7. #37
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    Well I feed my beefheart frozen. I am not sure about others but I just throw the frozen cube in and as it starts to melt in the warm water the fish attack it and pull it apart. I know there are some who defrost it first but I have always feed it frozen. I also feed the blood worms frozen.


  8. #38
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    I break a piece and wait a few minutes until it gets a paste.

    I drink the wine myself.

  9. #39
    Registered Member Luca's Avatar
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    likoma, just a note you may not be aware of: boiling removes most nutrients from vegetables, you may want to try just straight grinding it or using a cheese grater type contraption,

    thanks to everyone for the recipe ideas, very useful, going to try knock something up now

    take care,

  10. #40
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    I boil some ingredients to be able to get them soft. I have found that any hard small piece of carrot is refused by the discus. If boiled it is softer and can be converted into a paste instead of granules.

    I will try to grind the carrots and the spinachs to a fine powder and not having to boil them.

  11. #41
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    anyone try using pig heart to replace beef heart ?

  12. #42
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    Okay I think I can post the recipe now as the trial period is over, my latest recipe is an attempt to cut out beef heart. I saw a post by one of the board members, mentioning turkey breast 99% ground ( I think it was DiscusNW). I went to the supermarket and purchased the following items.

    Fresh Turkey breast $8.50 US

    Fresh Tuna $4.00 US (a small piece which was an end cut)

    Frozen filleted fish (Can't remember the name but it was salt water 4 fillets to the pack) $3.75 US

    1 garlic clove segment of a fairly big size (from the kitchen)

    1 Box of knox Gelatine.

    My blender is very small so I processed everything one ingredient at a time. I also checked the consistency in a bowl with water to see how the pieces would break up in water.

    After all the ingredients were put together I put some water inside a cup and heated it in the microwave for a quick 30 secs (just to warm it not Boil)
    I then placed some Knox plain gelatine in the cup and stirred it to make a slush.

    A small amount of the gelatine slush was placed into each Glad ziplock bag I then parcelled the mix into each bag making sure that the slush went all through the bag and that there were no trapped air pockets. The bag was placed into the freezer.

    hope this helps the people who cannot get beefheart. My Fish in tank 1 love it, the fish in tank 2 hide and eat it, but I have'nt had a chance to check how the older fish in tank 3 respond hopefully I will be able to update you later.

  13. #43

    Default Re:Food Recipes...

    My simple recipe.

    Basic food.
    10 lb of cleaned BH cubes
    10 lb of frozen seafood mix. including shrimps, clams, cuttle fish, Squids.
    2 lb of boiled Spinach.
    Hand grind twice and store in 1 lb container and freeze.

    Adult food.
    Basic food plus additives.
    Adult muti-vitamin 1 capsule per pound.
    Naturose for red,yellow and orange fish.- 1 teaspoon /2.5 lb.
    Spirulina for blue, white and green fish.- As dark as you can stand depending on purity of the product.
    OSI fish flakes as binder.
    Bag, flattened and freeze.

    Fry and juvenile Food.
    1 lb. of adult food from freezer. Break in pieces.
    Add water and put in blender. Turn into baby food.
    Add mild Anthalmintic for both tape and round worms from 1-3" fish.
    Add Calcium Citrate 2 tablets/lb.
    Add more OSI flakes as binder and freeze.

    Medicated food.
    Basic adult food and defrost
    Add experimental medications or herbs from garden when needed.
    Add OSI flakes and freeze.
    Feed to cull tank for a week and check for response before using on other fish.

  14. #44
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    This is my latest mix that most of the fish seem to like.

    1lb. 99% fat free turkey breast
    7oz. tuna
    7oz. salmon
    1/4lb HBH meat lovers flake (more or less depending on consistency)
    1 jar baby food bananas
    1 jar baby food peas
    1 jar baby food carrots

    I have also used a pig heart and shrimp recipe. They seem to like this current one a little better.


  15. #45
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    The thing that bothers me is salmonella in raw turkey breast. Frank

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