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Thread: what is your main job.

  1. #1
    Registered Member henryD's Avatar
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    Default what is your main job.

    Since I have joined in Febuary. I have meet a number of very interesting people. It is not surprising to see that discus is mostly a hobby for everyone and not their means of making a living. However, I was surprise that many of us have similar interest. So I am curious to see what people job and hobbies are?

    I work in a computer hardware company. But my interest includes anything that has to do with water and nature in general, photography, and skiing. There are other things but those are the ones I love the most.

  2. #2
    Registered Member ronrca's Avatar
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    I agree! Simplydiscus has a wealth of people in very interesting and helpful careers.

    Im a Electrical Engineering Technologist working for an electrical engineering company as Senior Designer and Team Leader for the drafting department. For the last 4 years, I have primarily been designing power layouts (transformers, primary, lot services) and street lighting for new subdivisions in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Just recently I have ventured into telecommunication designs/drafting also for new subdivisions. I have also been involved in designing coal mines, conveyor systems, utility high voltage power line applications, etc, etc. I have also had hands on experience in wiring houses, running cable, installing receptacles, the whole works!

    Now, my dream job! A Marine Biologist! Then I can be with fish all day! Preferrably discus but not limited to! Just being able to scuba dive near the Bahamas on a mission! Or even the amazon!

    Interests! First, discus! Second, discus! Third down to around 10th, discus! After that, I actually love music therefore I am currently taking violin lessons, also play trumpet and piano. I enjoy computer games and reading. All in all, I never have enough time therefore I need to retire somewhere warm. I also love sports but that seems to be at the bottom of the list as I rarely have time for it!

  3. #3
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    My current job is Owner and Administrator of and

    I am also....
    Primary Caregiver for hundreds of adopted animals, primarily of the Piscine and reptilian species.

    ...oh and as a hobby I work for a research Company in the field of Biotechnology. Emphasis on drug discovery, Diabetic complications, and currently...Assay development for using lasers, fluorescence and antibodies.

    for hobbies...


    -al ;D

  4. #4
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    I work in the IT Department for a NY/CT Railroad (21 yrs). counting the days that I will be eligible to retrire (3,285 days left ! : ;D ) 30 yrs in and age 55 8) unless they go about changing it >
    At that time hope to become a LFS owner... LOL... As that song by Bare Naked ladies goes.. "if I had a million dollars..." :-\


  5. #5
    Registered Member ronrca's Avatar
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    Darn Chuck! I still have 10585 days left! :'( :'( :'( :'( >

  6. #6
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    Aloha, I work for a large retail chain (W-M) as part of the security dept. I love my job but my passion and my obbsession is Discus first,Angels and now gold and blue rams. Oh I better rearrange that discus, WIFE then so forth.LOL. MY discus have helped in my recovery from a transplant and my beautiful wife was my donor 1in approx. a million or so. :-X

    Mahalo Ike ;D

  7. #7
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    Hi Ike!

    MY discus have helped in my recovery from a transplant and my beautiful wife was my donor 1in approx. a million or so.
    You are truelly lucky@!


  8. #8
    Registered Member RandalB's Avatar
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    Hi all,

    Police officer, cross trained as a police marksman and firearms instructor.

    I also do Reverse Osmosis system design, construction and repair. (In my spare time I also build and repair computers for family and friends.)


  9. #9

    Default Re:what is your main job.

    Hi all,
    Computer programmer, Now I am working in a RND department of a company that works on Steel Eng.
    As a hobby I love to keep fishes, work with computer (internet & platform programming) and tennis & swimming
    After I found here, I kept fishes only because of their beauty and there was no other reason, but now I find this usefull forum and now keeping fishes is like a challenge to me because I want to keep them in the best way and have a complete hobby, I want to test my ability to breed them and ...

    I am so sorry because of my bad english, I am working on it to make it better :-[

  10. #10
    Registered Member ronrca's Avatar
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    Your English is very good! No need to be shy about it! I love hearing from people ALL over the world. Thats what makes the internet so wonderful.


    Im a good boy! I didnt speed this morning! LOL! One of my childhood dreams btw Randal! Must be very interesting at times!

  11. #11
    Registered Member henryD's Avatar
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    Aloha Mike....

    There is a very interesting article in the National Geographics about hawaii. I think it was a couple months ago. Ever since then though I have been trying to read everything about it.

    Are you a kanaka maoli?

    It is good to hear that your doing well. Your wife was you donor? Wow talk about soul mate.

  12. #12
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    I am a sales guy and work for a company based in K.C.,, an online freight solution. Anybody needing to move some freight call me

    Besides Discus, my hobbies include Bowhunting which I don't get to do much of anymore and raising the best two boys in world, Dalton & Dayton which are 5 and 11 months respectively.


  13. #13
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    How's it going!

    I don't get a chance to post much because of this peskey little annoyance called work. But truthfully, I do enjoy it. I am a regestered nurse in Michigan. In addition to my nursing degree, I also have degrees in psychology and biology. Really helps when I'm all stressed out because my discus won't spawn. A little self therapy goes a long way.

    My other interests include photography, music (I play the piano), and my kids (I have three of them). Oh, yeah, I have a wife, too.

    Anyway, I am at last happy because one of my two pairs finally did spawn and I have about 60 little fry. They are two weeks old now and in their own tank. They are a turq and striated red cross. The pair happened quite by accident, but I am anxious to see what happens with this group.

    Gotta go for now. See ya later.


  14. #14
    Registered Member RandalB's Avatar
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    Never a dull moment! ;D

    Why not go for it?


  15. #15
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    Hi all,
    Well my main job (only job) is Crew Chief and sometimes acting Non Commisioned Officer In Charge of the General Electric Section, what does that mean....I am an NCO in the USAF, I work on jet engines to have included F119 (F-22 Raptor), F110-129/100 (F-16), TF-34 (A-10) and F118-100 (Stealth Bomber B-2). I have been in for 12 years and only have 8 more years till I retire. I have been stationed in Korea (4 years), all over the US and Germany (3years).

    As fars as my hobbies go I am an avid outdoorsman, I grew up hunting and fishing in the hills of Northern California (Tahoe Area). I think that is my 1st love! Though I am new to Discus...I am falling sick to them very quickly. I lose myself in their beauty...........

    Rob ;D

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