View Full Version : Light Dimmer?

06-25-2011, 11:52 PM
I have a timer on the lights on my tank, and when they went off today (the first time I've been able to witness it since I work so much :/) my fish FREAKED OUT. I don't have discus in there yet, but I have cardinals and rummynoses and a few others and they all shot around the tank and went into shoals instantly. I am terrified of what this means if these fish are freaking out and what it could do to my discus when I get them. Is there some kind of light dimmer out there that I can hook up to my lights, so I don't have this issue in the future? Thanks guys.

06-26-2011, 12:00 AM
Some lights (for the larger tanks) have 2-3 cords for lights. You could set each to turn on/off at different times. There are also controllers out there that will help you with this. I don't know about commercial, but I've seen some DIY stuff for dimming lights (simulating dusk/dawn) before power down.

06-26-2011, 08:39 AM
I would'nt worry about it. my school of lemons do it every night. it's just thier way of protecting themselves. it should'nt bother the discus. my wilds don't move at all when the lights turn on or off.

06-26-2011, 11:10 AM
majority of all smaller fish will run away like that when something changes. I can barely sit in front of my tank move my hand and zoom off they go. But oh well no more cardinals i find it very annoying with slight movement they are gone. So just Roselines/cories for me. Woot getting my new discus today!