View Full Version : want some advise on stocking my 125 gallon tank

05-21-2011, 12:47 PM
i posted a picture do give u an idea what my tank layout looks like picture isnt the best but i have 8 discus in there and 12 roseline sharks thinking about down grading those to around 8 or 9 how many more discus do you think i can add and how many cards could be added thanks

05-21-2011, 01:35 PM
Why not get rid of sharks completely, get four more discus and say ten cardinals. Orrr you could keep what you have and add two more discus to make total ten. Orrr you can do it anyway you want, just no more than 12 discus, well maybe 13 because you can put 6 in a 55 lolz. Its up to you man. Depends on how often you want to do maintenance and wc.

05-21-2011, 02:25 PM
Nice tank! The general rule of thumb is 10 gallons per discus. Roselines can get pretty large so if you plan on keeping them I would just get 20 - 30 Cardinals and call it a day. A large group of Cardinals looks very impressive but you might find a few of them disappearing lol.
