View Full Version : Dorsal Fin Question???

08-12-2010, 08:56 PM
Ok I have a half a dozen Reflection D I got from Dan Espinosa a while back and I keep all of them together in a 55 gallon tank.They are starting to come of age almost ten months now.I only have one whos dorsal fin is growing to a point and the are 4 of them who look very much a like but out of the 6 only one has the dorsasl fin point growing.Hes not the bully of the tank either the four that look alike all bully the tank.So my question is how come only one has the Point? Any theorys?:D

Elite Aquaria
08-12-2010, 10:18 PM
This is the start of a trailer growing...In some cases these are the males but not always. You can ask Al about the Male he had with a trailer that laid eggs one night...:)

My experience has been that these turn out to males most of the time.

08-12-2010, 10:30 PM
Dan,I was more curious why only one has it growing and not a few more?

08-13-2010, 12:16 AM
Dan,I was more curious why only one has it growing and not a few more?

It's just the luck of the draw. Some fish grow trailers, some don't. It's not something breeders make any effort to develop in their strains, AFAIK...

None of my 24 adult discus of 3 different varieties have trailers...

Elite Aquaria
08-13-2010, 08:49 AM
Also some mature at a faster rate than others...give it some time you might find a few more develop it later down the road.