View Full Version : thoughts about Mopani wood

06-18-2010, 10:53 AM
I have a 120g display. Just got it a week ago ago from an LFS that is cosing down. transfered everything to my house, including water. been doing 20g water changes every day.
I bought about 5 pretty nice size pieces of Mopani wood. after a day or so the water is tinted brown. Is this a good thing? Im always used to having crystal clear water in all of my tanks.

is mopani wood a good thing to have in a display tank?

06-18-2010, 10:56 AM
i have the same wood and the same water those colorings are called tannins which are acicidic nutruents that will stian your water. domestic discus wont mind it and wild discus willl love it. basically add some charcoal to your filter and keep up those every day water changes and it will go away.

06-18-2010, 11:01 AM
I guess it will take me a little longer because I have a wet / dry with no charcoal.
Is this wood beneficial to the water and discus?

Discus master
06-21-2010, 12:26 PM
I guess it will take me a little longer because I have a wet / dry with no charcoal.
Is this wood beneficial to the water and discus?

It is actually apart of their natural habitat, it will not hurt them at all In fact if you want to similate their enviroment than you can do no better than to add drift wood, even if you can not use activated carbon for a while to get rid of it i heard that boiling it can help drive it out faster but eventualy it will stop leeching the tannis out any ways so keep on top the water changes, either way its not hurting them if anything it could be benefical.

06-21-2010, 03:52 PM
I dont mind the color of the water. it actually looks cool and very tranquill.
but im sure the tannins will fade away becuase of the water changes I do every other day .