View Full Version : Please health-check my fish

06-13-2010, 02:07 PM

These are my first discus which I bought at my LFS. I learned alot in the few months I've had these guys and by now they almost doubled in size! (I think, it's hard to tell if you stare at them every single day.)

What I wanted to ask was if you guys could have a look at the video I made and give me some constructive comments on their general size, shape and healthyness.

I feed them a beefheart mix, red worms, brine shrimp and some dry discus food.
The Ph is at 7.5 with a KH of 4 ish and a GH of 8. I treated for and managed to cure gill flukes three weeks ago.

I try to do a 50% WC every two days, but sometimes I can't manage that with work and life and stuff, and it's a WC every 3-4 days.

There's a bunch of driftwood in the tank, about 20 kardinal neons, an apple snail and two shrimps that I can't find the english name for.

I'm filtering the tank with a Bluwave 1500. Got an eheim airpump and a "Dave" 300 watt heater.

Here's the movie! Thanks in advance!


06-14-2010, 10:13 PM
The fish seem to be breathing a bit fast and some have flared gills, seems that something is irritating the gills.


06-15-2010, 05:27 AM
Thanks Eddy, I will investigate this and see what can be done

06-15-2010, 06:20 AM
perhaps you didnt completely knock out the gill flukes when you treated for them?

06-15-2010, 06:58 AM
It's possible that maybe it's coming back. I'll have to keep an eye on this but I'm afraid I'll treat for the wrong thing.

Should I try adding 1tb salt/10gal ? As a general treatment

edit: the tank is about 55 gal

06-15-2010, 08:47 PM
Tetras do not tolerate salt