View Full Version : Back in the game

12-01-2009, 09:58 PM
It has been a while (If a few months is a while) but it seems I am back in the Discus game. A few of you may remember my post a while back when I added new fish and it upset my entire tank causing my five discus to come near to death. Well they pulled through until this Halloween when someone decided to poison both my tanks (Had a party and left my door closed, app someone went in anyway).... Not sure what they used but it had no smell and didn't alter any of the major numbers in my tank, only made the water go "oily" and kill all my fish within a 3 hour period (the time i fed them before bed and waking up in the night for a quick bio). Anyway, with that behind me, I recently found a pigeon and a cobalt/ brilliant that I fell in love with. It was back to it for me. I have had them for about a month now and have inquired about a few fish in the buy-sell-trade section of the site. The last batch of fish I had, being my first "real" try at discus after my 3 year first try run, had been going incredibly. The new ones are no different. I have them growing like weeds and happy as can be. I just cleaned the tank but once I find my camera I will be posting some pics of the new guys and will keep you all posted as I get new ones (Supposed to be picking up a Blue Turq. and a Blue Diamond next week). Anyway, looks like you guys haven't slowed down in my off time and it is good to be back!


David Rose
12-01-2009, 10:26 PM
Welcome back and best of luck this time around! Oh yea... put a lock on that door before the next party. ;)

12-01-2009, 10:49 PM
I was actually so pissed we haven't had one since lmao. Who can blame me though, my 4 year old pigeon was one of the ones that I lost.

Chad Hughes
12-01-2009, 11:54 PM
Welcome back! Put some padlocks on that tank! :D

Best wishes!

12-02-2009, 12:07 AM
The bug,,, gotcha ..No going back.

12-02-2009, 12:16 AM
Welcome back! Best of luck with your new fish and set some bear traps in the fish room before your next party.


12-02-2009, 01:04 AM
good for you!