View Full Version : Back from my trip!

07-09-2009, 04:15 PM
And everyone is alive! They survived no wcs since June 26 th!

I did take a couple precautionary measures:

-The Supershuttle van was picking us up at 3:20 am so at 2 am I did a 100% wc.

-Earlier that evening I did a salt dip on everyone to prevent any parasites they may have had to get out of control while I was gone.

-I had the pet sitter dose the tanks with Prime on June 30th and July 5th, just to detoxify any nitrates that may have built up.

Their eyes look a little larger than usual but clear, so I will keep an eye ;) on it for a few days after some large wcs!

Glad to be back, miss you guys!

Now I need to catch up on all the threads I missed!

-Julie :)

Chad Hughes
07-09-2009, 04:17 PM
Welcome back Julie! Glad to hear that everyone was OK when you got back!

Best wishes!

07-09-2009, 05:50 PM
Thanks Chad! It was really nerveracking though! Everytime the phone rang my heart would jump hoping it wasn't the petsitter!

Take care,


07-09-2009, 08:11 PM
welcome back Julie! im glad everything went well. how was France?

07-09-2009, 08:14 PM
Wow, welcome back Julie! Glad your fish faired well while you were away.

Take care,


07-09-2009, 09:40 PM
Welcome back! Glad the discus did fine while you were away. No wild parties or anything. Hope you had a good trip.


07-09-2009, 11:12 PM
welcome back Julie! im glad everything went well. how was France?

Hey Ricardo! It was good, but too short! We barely got over the jetlag that we had to come back. :(

Wow, welcome back Julie! Glad your fish faired well while you were away.

Take care,


Hey Eddie! Oh my gosh, I am just reading about your fiasco! I'm sorry that's happening to you! Looks like you handled it like a pro though!

Welcome back! Glad the discus did fine while you were away. No wild parties or anything. Hope you had a good trip.


Hi Chris- Yeah, I don't think my discus are the rebelling type! I raised them well, LOL :D!


07-11-2009, 12:41 AM
We missed you Jules....did you eat frogs legs?:p:D

Pictures please....


07-11-2009, 12:52 AM
Hey Rox!!! :)

No frog legs this time, but plenty of fondue! I am all cheesed out! :D

Pics of our trip ( I do have some awesome ones, LOL)?

Miss you guys too!

-Julie :)