View Full Version : Poop Disappeared!!!!

06-26-2008, 11:58 AM
l'd just recently put 4 loaches ln my sand bottom dlscus tank. 2 days after, the poop has completely dlsappeared ls thls a good thlng or a bad thlng? l dunno how lt happened. l woke up thls mornlng only to flnd that the tank's bottom has been completely vold of flsh poop.

William Palumbo
06-26-2008, 12:03 PM
Maybe it's being covered up by the loaches activity...stirring up the sand?...Bill

Autumn Wind
06-26-2008, 06:02 PM
It's the best part of having bottom dwellers. With all that activity on the bottom the poop is being broken up into smaller pieces and the filter is taking care of it. I find most of it on the prefilter sponge of my filter intake.

Darrell Ward
06-27-2008, 12:14 AM
Maybe it's being covered up by the loaches activity...stirring up the sand?...Bill

Yep, I'd bet on it. The clown loaches in my planted tank have even been known to root out the plant tabs placed in the sand for my swords. The little devils! :D