View Full Version : How much money to feed 10 adult discus/week?

04-24-2008, 12:35 PM
Hello all, I'm in the process of purchasing more discus (have 3 now) but I want to know...how much is it going to cost me to feed them? If I have say 10 adult size discus, I should feed 2-3 times a day (?) and that would mostly consist of frozen bloodworms or beefheart (where is beefheart available?) and the other feeding(s) would be Tetra Color Bits or NLS pellets. I'm not sure if I'm underfeeding/overfeeding at the moment so maybe someone can direct me to how much each adult discus should consume at a feeding. I buy the Hikari frozen bloodworms in the cubes (going to switch to flats) and I'm guessing 1 small cube per 2 adult discus is right??? If not PLEASE let me know, I don't want to underfeed them!!! I want fat healthy discus, but I can't really afford to spend more than $10 every week for food. How much do you guys spend per week to feed a similar number of discus and what are some things you do to make it more "cost effective"? Thank you all for your input.

04-24-2008, 12:52 PM
adult discus will be fine with being fed twice a day,also feeding primarily blood worms will get expesive i usually will use tetrabits as my primary food and then rotate bloodworms, beef heart mix ,earthwoms etc. feed them what they can eat in 5, 10 min.it depends a little on how aggressive eaters they are and they should be fine and as far as price you shouldn't have to spend more than 10 dollars a week unless your using mostly foods like the blood worms

04-24-2008, 01:14 PM
also watch for sales on food and buy in bulk quantity when possible

04-24-2008, 03:34 PM
find a Sack AND Save store around your area, they allways have beef heart.
I had to drive 40 minuts to get to one. their not that popular as walmart.
walmart rarly has them.