View Full Version : How to net a SAE fish in a planted tank??

09-02-2007, 09:42 PM
Hey all,

Just to let you know how I went about getting this hickee giver guy out of my tank.... http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd310/susantroy1/hickiegiver002.jpg

Took a vase out of the cabinet one of those 10-20 we have stashed away from some special occasionhttp://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd310/susantroy1/hickiegivertrap001.jpg

One of my little guys trying to figure out just what the heck this thing is??:confused:http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd310/susantroy1/hickiegivertrap003.jpg

Added some bloodworms into the vase and droped the vase into the tank on my way out the door at 4pm this evening....returned at 730pm and found all the bloodworms gone:( thought the snails got em cause thats all that was in the vase. Fed the discus BH at 740pm and watched them eat. as usual the hickee monster was trying to hitch a ride:mad: after they ate, I watched the hickee monster enter into the lip of the vase:drummer: as he went down into the bulb portion I scrambled to get the lid off asking my 4 yr old if it was still in there??? She kept saying yea papa he still in there!! The hickee monster saw my hand desending upon him but to late... can't swim through the bottom of the vase:p:p Here is a pick of my little helper and her catch of the day:angel: http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd310/susantroy1/hickiegivertrap005.jpg

And lastly... a close up of the fast and wily Hickee Monster:Dhttp://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd310/susantroy1/hickiegivertrap006.jpg

Hope this might be of help to anyone that may have trouble with thier own hickee monster. thanks Ryan and all ...for all the sugestions/support on my other post (Discus behavior):cool:


Tropical Haven
09-02-2007, 09:49 PM
Boy that was a easy way of doing it, great idea thanks for posting.

09-03-2007, 01:31 AM
Just want to point out that's NOT an SAE, but a CAE (Chinese Algae Eater). For a look at a true SAE (Siamese Algae Eater), go to this thread:


I wanted to point that out because oftentimes, people mix them up and the SAE gets the bad reputation that the CAE has! I've also attached one of the pics of the SAE below.



09-03-2007, 03:04 AM
I'm glad you caught him. You may need to catch the others eventually if you still see hickie marks on the fish.

CAE's are usually pretty aggressive. I had one that used to torment my other fish. He went back to the pet store.


09-03-2007, 09:08 AM
Just want to point out that's NOT an SAE, but a CAE (Chinese Algae Eater). For a look at a true SAE (Siamese Algae Eater), go to this thread:


I wanted to point that out because oftentimes, people mix them up and the SAE gets the bad reputation that the CAE has! I've also attached one of the pics of the SAE below.




Yea, because of my ignorence on the species, the lfs had them labeled as SAEs. but as I read a bit more in the Fourms ( I think one thread from here) I realized this was in fact not a SAE and that these guys may get agressive and once they get a "taste" of the slime coat of the Discus, they may continue to do so... As I stated in a prior post I also picked up a bristle nose... so pulling the rest of the CAE won't be a big love loss. After getting a handle on my water parameters I also really don't require these guys anyway. My snails and shrimp army serve this purpose nicely. One lessen (among many) I learned is to really research the species BFORE you let them into your tank. though they where in there before the Discus.
