View Full Version : Am I on track?

05-03-2007, 12:42 AM
This guy is from my friend since one inch and I'm guessing the fish is around 5 months old, is he/she falling behind on growth? The fish is 3.5-4 inches and here's some pictures, any feedback is appreciated, thanks!


In water


Out of water, I think the bugger hates me now.

05-03-2007, 01:15 AM
Looks healthy to me. The eyes are aren't that big in proportion to its body so i suppose that it ain't stunted yet. Hope to see more pics as it grows bigger and beautiful. Good luck. :angel:

05-03-2007, 07:44 AM
I say you've done a heck of a job growing him out. Good sized fish for his age!

05-03-2007, 10:40 AM
good now put him back in the tank. lol.
he looks fine. keep going. see what he becomes. if hes eating and healthy..what more can you ask for.

Kenny's Discus
05-03-2007, 11:05 AM
Hi Steven - I totally agree with Liz and April's assessments.:) Your pb might be quite peppered and might not have much value in your breeding program; but he does have great shape for a discus that age. Rick(our friend) might not have given you a "super" strain but he sure gave you a nice, healthy one! You're doing a great job raising him as well.

Good luck Steven it was nice talking to you earlier. Hi to Rick for me when you get a chance.;)

Take care,

05-03-2007, 01:24 PM
But wait, how big is your hand? :D

05-05-2007, 05:57 AM
To dntx5b9: Haha if it matters at all my hand is 7 1/2 from tip of middle finger down the the base of the palm. The fish is very close to the entire length of my palm.

This guy is very aggressive, not sure if I should even leave him/her with my group inside the 55 gallon. He attacks everything in the 30 gallon tank he's in right now, not to mention hogging cbw/bh/tetra bits/fbw and occasionally biting MY hand. Thanks everybody for your input, at least now I know I'm not feeding too badly! Hopefully somewhere down the road when he/she's fully grown some nice person will adopt him/her (I'm totally out of space!!! but who isnt on this forum :p)

To my awesome local advisor Kenny:
Sure I'll greet Rick for you, he's down to only 1 salt tank and 2 discus tanks and experimenting with yellow pigeon + BD cross right now, dont think anything interesting will come up but it's worth the shot, it might turn into some funky color morph with PB base haha.