View Full Version : Excited!!!

White Worm
04-10-2007, 07:43 PM
OK.....those of you who know me, I have been around simply going on a couple years now. I have learned just about everything I know from conversations here or through my own experiences. I have kept discus, killed discus and I have grown them from babies to adults. The one thing I have never been able to do is breed them. The ultimate goal is to reach the breeding stage. Between bad luck, bad water, wrong fish, etc, I have never gotten anything past the egg stage...

UNTIL NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have read here many times that people have just found wigglers and didnt even know they had a pair....I have heard people doing it on a regular basis with no problems.... I have heard people need RO and blah blah blah. I have tried it all and still never..:mad:

All you need is a good MALE!!!!! I got my new 6 additions a couple months ago and behold, a pair. I thought....another trial and error with 15 batches of white eggs. They laid the eggs, I wasnt too excited because I have seen this many times. Days went by and they got darker...hmmmmm...never seen that before. I come home and they had little tails and were moving!! LIFE!!!!!
There was around 20 and it was their first try. I think 5 or so made it to swimmer stage but they disappeared. The tank wasnt very clean because I didnt have high hopes for the first try so I'm thinking next time should be much better. After they lay, I will do a good cleaning and a decent water change. Very nice to know that I have a confirmed macho male. Now I have a good pair to work with and they are 2 of my favorites as far as quality, color, strain and size.

Darren's Discus
04-10-2007, 07:52 PM
Exciting times,it's always good when it all comes together !all the best.


04-10-2007, 07:58 PM
Great ! glad for you. You will have lots of FUN .


04-10-2007, 08:27 PM
Hey Mike, that's great! Congrats!

04-10-2007, 08:50 PM
Congrats, I no u must be estatic. Good Luck !!!

Green Country Discus
04-10-2007, 09:04 PM
Mikscus, way to go ;) ! Now we want to see pics...all the way to 7". Good luck and keep us posted.

04-10-2007, 09:20 PM
Congratulations to you and your discus!!!!!!!!!:)
Best of Luck.

Tropical Haven
04-10-2007, 09:33 PM
Thats great, next time lets get them bigger with pics along the way.

04-10-2007, 09:43 PM
Puppies, fish, what's next Mike?:) Lots of luck!!

04-10-2007, 09:50 PM

04-10-2007, 10:11 PM
Hey congratulations!!!! You must be so proud!!!!:D


04-10-2007, 10:17 PM
AHHHH...Congrats...you are going to be a grandpappy someday soon!

Greg Richardson
04-10-2007, 11:52 PM
Mike. It is quite the journey as you have found out. It does get frustraing when you see people buy adults and few days later they breeding while you busting your butt trying everything.

Now I have a good pair to work with and they are 2 of my favorites as far as quality, color, strain and size.

Here is what though you should think about that I see people have missed. It's one thing to finally have your fish pair up.
To have your favorite fish pair up is putting you WAY ahead in your journey. Some people get pairs but never are able to get the exact ones they wanted to pair up.

Congrats on that VERY important factor!

White Worm
04-11-2007, 01:13 AM
Thanks everybody!!! Here is the lovely couple... The fry took me by such surprise that I didnt get photos. I will make sure that I document my first successful batch hopefully soon.

First pic is mom in front, dad in the back and look at what they are staring at??? Soooooon!! 2nd try!!!
This is the mom pic #2
#3 Dad in front and mom in back
#4 pic, big beautiful dad who is pushing 6-7in, he is a slab!
last pic is the pair on a lovely stroll to dinner FBW!!
Their bars dont show as much normally but they werent too happy with the 20 pics I took to get a few that I really liked, lol. Flash! Flash! :(
Most times dad doesnt show his bars and mom's are very light accept for the one through the eye.

04-11-2007, 03:06 AM
Beautiful looking pair. Lots of luck with your fry.

04-11-2007, 03:27 AM
Congratulation Mikscus! Share your joy here! :) Please post pictures when the babies arrive.


Kenny's Discus
04-11-2007, 07:20 AM
Hey Mike, that is a very beautiful looking Leopard pair! Big congrats to you they should produce some awesome frys for you. Allow me to share some of your joy, finally.:) :p

You know the drill my friend, keep us updated as they progress!;) Pics Pics Pics...


04-11-2007, 07:38 AM
Congratulations MIke!

Pat yourself on the back, you just moved up the curve some more...and now the fun begins!:)


04-11-2007, 08:10 AM
I remember the first time I got wigglers. I was so used to eggs turning white and being eaten. This time I saw that the eggs looked different. I thought well, something different must be wrong with them this time. Then I got home form work and saw tails wagging at me. If you feel anything like I did, you're sitting on top of the world.

It's a beautifully matched pair. I wish you great success with them.

White Worm
04-11-2007, 10:22 AM
Hey Mike, that is a very beautiful looking Leopard pair! Big congrats to you they should produce some awesome frys for you. Allow me to share some of your joy, finally.:) :p

You know the drill my friend, keep us updated as they progress!;) Pics Pics Pics...


Thanks Kenny! One day soon!! I'll keep you posted.

Congratulations MIke!

Pat yourself on the back, you just moved up the curve some more...and now the fun begins!:)

Its about time Al!! Its about darn time!

I remember the first time I got wigglers. I was so used to eggs turning white and being eaten. This time I saw that the eggs looked different. I thought well, something different must be wrong with them this time. Then I got home form work and saw tails wagging at me. If you feel anything like I did, you're sitting on top of the world.

It's a beautifully matched pair. I wish you great success with them.
Thanks Liz. Yeah, I think I felt ok...Does me yelling upstairs to the wife...."I'VE GOT LIFE!" Count? Thats what I did, lol. I must have had thousands of white eggs and I thought the same thing, must be just darker white eggs, lol until I saw little tails and vibrations. At first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me because they are so small and hard to see at first. The pair was doing very good i thought for their first time because they were grabbing them and spitting them back on the cone as they fell or swam away. I really do like their quality. i think it will be a good pair to work with for my first real fry making pair.

04-11-2007, 11:52 AM
Congrades! Beautiful Pair. Good luck when you get fry. I'm still waiting for my day like yours.

04-11-2007, 11:52 AM
Congratulations Mike!


04-11-2007, 02:47 PM
Gorgeous fish...congratulations! You will have so much fun raising the fry, please share pics!

04-12-2007, 08:31 AM
Only just seen this thread Mike, great pair, should turn out some lovely fry. Remember what Kenny said.....pics,pics,pics!!!!

Good luck bud,


White Worm
04-12-2007, 01:06 PM
Thanks all! Started a new thread from scratch with my new batch. lets see what happens.

04-12-2007, 02:22 PM
Congratulation, what took so long!


White Worm
04-12-2007, 02:41 PM
Bad luck I guess, lol.

04-12-2007, 03:08 PM
congrats mike..........are the cigars in the mail:)
