View Full Version : REMINDER>>> Clean air Filters on Pumps...

12-02-2006, 05:24 PM
HI all,

I just Found one big uh-oh in my fish room... I had bought a new air filter for my linear air pump about a year ago... and I never changed it. MFG recommends every 6 months...I'm out 18 months... >> I know this because I write when I changed it last on it..... that and I found the replacement filter next to the pump still in its bag.:(

I touched the Linear pump while doing a wc and nearly burnt my hand...man that thing was hot..

I openned the pump and what a mess... the filter was completely cover with gray dust..not lightly..but deep...It was not filtering a thing... whats worse is when I went to take this foam filter out..it crumbled.

I'm guessing I just narrowly avoided a major fire... I have known people with Blowers and pumps that over heated and caught fire...so I should know better... Out of sight out of mind.!

Anyhow.. If you have a pump or blower..check your filters...and change them as recommended...Hope this helps someone..


12-02-2006, 05:35 PM
Good reminder........... the fire inspectors never did make a final decision on what caused the koihouse fire...other than it might have been the Alita air pump or the timer it was plugged into or the receptacle that it was plugged into...all they know is that is was one of them and I never clean anything...dust and heat don't mix well


12-02-2006, 05:49 PM
... I have known people with Blowers and pumps that over heated and caught fire...so I should know better...

If I remember right....Cary was one of them. I can't remember if it was due to the filter though...
