View Full Version : Shy Fry?

04-12-2006, 09:31 PM
I've justed separated mom from my batch of 20 fry yesterday. Since then, i've noticed a batch of about 5-8 fry hiding behind the sponge filter at a corner, wouldn't socialise and hunt for food (even if i throw in their fav bbs). The batch is 1 month old (from free-swimming). What should i do or just to leave them alone? I've tried putting in a sailfin molly and the molly was a big bully nipping at them so i'd it removed instantly. I've some juvenile cherry barbs so i wonder if i can introduce one in with my discus fry to encourage the shy fellows to come out to eat?


04-13-2006, 03:14 PM
I wouldn't put any other fish in there with them. Yyou are taking a risk of sickness starting from the fish you move in there. The fry at that age are real susceptible to getting anything (diseases). I wouldn't do much, if they are hiding and not wanting to eat then they are the weaker of the bunch and probably culls anyway. IMO Don't mean to sound blunt though.

04-13-2006, 05:12 PM
I agree with Angela on this. At this age they are very fragile and susceptible to many things. It is very important that the water is kept pristine, there can be no slacking on it even for a day. Quite often fry of this age when they have been stressed get gillflukes, its the most common parasite that attacks them in my experience. Before treating though I would strongly recommend making sure the tank water is of the highest quality. It is also important when changing water to match teh temps as close as possible.
