View Full Version : Pooper Scooper

02-20-2005, 12:07 AM
Is there any quick, easy to use, non syphon type of suction device that can lift adult Discus turds off the bottom of a 24in deep tank?

I quickly syphon the bottoms of the tanks in the fishroom in the morning before feeding, but there's no way I have time to hook up the syphon to the upstairs tank before going off to work. Most of the devices I've seen either don't work at all (the one's I've tried in the past), or, aren't long enough to reach the bottom of a tank this deep :confused:

Need something with either a big squeeze bulb, or, a motor that will lift something that big.

Anyone have any clever solutions, or, know of anything that's sold that will do the trick :confused:


02-20-2005, 12:15 AM
I dont have an answer for u Cosmo but from the pic's i have seen of ur tanks from the past ur tanks looked so clean. In fact everyone's does on this forum EXCEPT for mine. I caint ever get EVERYTHING of the bottom of my tank. My python must have a week suction. I let gravity do its job not the sink when syphoning the tank. when syphoning ur tank do u use the gravel vac tube that is on ur python or do u just use the hose to syphon the bottom.thanks

02-20-2005, 12:45 AM
Hi Jim,
I use a self-priming sump pump attached to the hose with a pvc long enough to reach the bottom of the tank.


02-20-2005, 12:46 AM
:) ;)

02-20-2005, 01:38 AM
I use the same type of thing but with a quick connect and a 45 coupler in the middle that allows you to keep it on the rim of the tank...


02-20-2005, 02:40 AM
I have the same type pump pictured. got it at Menards for about 50.00 I think. I have a 2' section of pvc that lets me get to the bottom of 2 80 gal tanks and also use the same system to do w/c and set up a discharge to main sewer drain. Then I have a valve system that I use to shut off the drain system to switch over to pull from my fill tanks. Seems to work well for me.

02-20-2005, 03:45 AM
i use a gas siphon with a red squeeze thingy on top. a squeeze and it starts siphoning and it has a hard tube to aim. great for cleaning fry tanks..but..it may not be long enough for your 24 inch tank.

02-20-2005, 10:00 AM
My main syphon tube for upstairs is the leftover from the gravel days, still has the gravel tube on it connected to a 5/8 hose then to a 3/4 pvc that drops to the basement. Works great(75 gal in 12 minutes) , but a pain to hookup on the quick. I also have a more Manual one a long piece of plastic tube in a 5/8 hose I have to aim into a bucket (risky in the morning).

The sump pump idea is exactly the type of thing I was looking for :), then I can mount it into the wall, plumb it into the drain line, use a quick disconnect ala RandalB, plug it in, throw the switch, turn off, unplug, store, feed the fish, and I'm gone :) Just so happens I have that exact pump sitting downstairs in a drawer too :) Jeeez, could life get much better :D lol

Thanks all for sharing, should have time to try and hook it up today :)


02-20-2005, 11:22 AM
Hey Paintball,

I also have a magnum hooked up solely as a mechanical filter too, which helps alot. Not sure it's possible to get everything w/o scraping since you're going to have bio slime on the bottom just as you do on the walls. When I used a 1/2 inch python gravity fed into the tub, the suction wasn't enough to pickup the bigger turds, that's why I made my "killer" syphon lol


02-20-2005, 02:32 PM
Hey all,

I did a test run with the sump pump before hooking it up... it works great, self priming and all even though it says it isn't, but..... way too loud for using upstairs :( Will make use of it down in the basement now though :)

Thanks, but.. still searching :(



02-20-2005, 04:22 PM
Hi Jim,
I'm not sure I've got the idea quite right but can't you just attach a rigid pvc pipe cut to size to the inlet of a submersable pump or power head? Give it enough flex hose on the outlet end to a drain and you could roam all over the tank with it. Nice and quiet.

02-20-2005, 05:00 PM
The problem with the gravel vac is that the end is so wide it requires a high volume to get enough flow to suck up anything (that is why it is good for gravel since it won't pick up the gravel all that well).

So, you just need a hose with a smaller diameter. Then you won't
need much flow rate to create good suction.

I used a 1/2" OD clear rigid tubing from the fish store, then added a 3/8" OD clear vinyl hose. Stick the smaller hose into the rigid tubing and glue. Cut the rigid tubing to the height of the tank plus an inch or three. Then use a baby nasal suction thingie from Walmart, $1.50, this rubber bulb will fit inside the 3/8" hose and give you enough pull to get the siphon started with one pull when the tubing is inside the tank, the tubing/hose joint is at the rim of the tank and the hose goes down to a bucket at the floor. One pull with the bulb and the siphon is going, you can clean the whole tank in a few minutes or if the mess is in a pile in a corner, in a few seconds.

Siince it does not remove a lot of water from the tank, you may not have to refill after a quick siphon, as you may have only removed an gallon or 2 from the tank.

02-20-2005, 06:51 PM
Hi Ann and Kayceo

I've been doing something similar using 5/8 tubing with a rigid piece of tubing on the end. Problem is, I don't want to drain into a bucket nor take the time to hook the syphon up to the drain line quick disconnect. Mission Impossible maybe ? It's either going to be something that I hookup permanently to the drain, or, some sort of hand vac that just picks up gunk and deposits into a little nylon bag or something. Daughter sleeping in room right next to tank, and bathroom is in her room so draining the bucket would be a problem :( Kayceo.. your idea would be ideal if I could find a small quiet self priming pump that would handle semi-solids (by the way.. good to see you posting again buddy :) )

Thinking of a variation of all of the above with a pvc tube connected to a 1/2 inch tube that will slide out of a 3/4 pvc tube mounted to the wall (like the kitchen sink sprayers in reverse) - keep a permanent syphon and use a ball valve to open/close. Don't know, still gotta work on it, but please....
... keep those suggestions coming :)

Thanks all :)
