View Full Version : Worse Week

07-13-2004, 03:38 PM
I do not know how any of you handle this. I have had my discus for 1 1/2 years now. Considered myself real lucky, not one once of problems.

I imagined it was because I took all the good advice, WC and good food.

This week I lost 2 fish. The first one I put to sleep because it had a problem staying upright and now today one died. This one started to thrash around the tank, happened 3 times yesterday and then another 3 times this morning. This morning it happened within a 5 minute period and then it passed. The other fish in the tank seem scared.

I do not know what is wrong in this tank. The water is testing fine, but just in case I cleaned the filters, wiped inside and did a large WC.

I had the lights turned upward so they can rest. I put salt in the tank and did 1real light feeding.

Anyone have any advise I would appreciate hearing it.

07-13-2004, 03:43 PM
There will be times like this, and its a rotten thing to deal with. I am sorry for you in all this. The fish that died today was it the red white? also when it thrashed was it right after a water change?


ps.. don't doubt your care of the fish here Karen, its not a reflection on you that this happened, conversely the fact that you have gone so long with out incident speaks volumes about how you care for them. :)

07-13-2004, 04:43 PM
Hi Al
It happened before I changed the water. I was removing water with buckets and emptying out the filters. Did not add any new water till after it passed. Carol and I are discussing this as well, if it were a problem with the water it would seem that both of my tanks would have problems. The older fish in the other tank are great. No problems at all.

No it was not the red-white. Why do you ask. I know you had problems with alot of your fish, were they the ones with the problems. It was a gold diamond and the first one was a golden-melon. I got all the fish at the same time (January) BTW, the red-whites still have no red whatsoever, how about yours.

I feel so down in the dumps. I do know deep down that I care for them well. It just hurts to lose them.

07-13-2004, 05:15 PM

07-13-2004, 05:19 PM
Sorry to hear of your loss Karen :(

Sometimes no matter what we do or how careful we are with our Discus; tragedy can still occur. We try to learn from it and look toward better days...


07-13-2004, 05:22 PM
Hi Karen,

No it was not the red-white. Why do you ask. I know you had problems with alot of your fish, were they the ones with the problems. It was a gold diamond and the first one was a golden-melon. I got all the fish at the same time (January) BTW, the red-whites still have no red whatsoever, how about yours.
No I asked because you mentioned at one point that the red-white was lying next to the other one that was sick. I lost my red-whites when that problem happened afew months ago... i did pick up another batch , but they are younger than yours now by a few months I think. They have some red flecks, but not much else.


07-13-2004, 07:24 PM
Thanks everyone. The ones that are left seem to be adjusting better this afternoon. I put the feeder on light and most of them went for some colorbits.

What a week

07-13-2004, 10:45 PM
Things seem calm. Sure wish they would eat a little more. They normally attack food. Is this normal when there has been this much trama in the tank. None of them are dark. No abnormal feces yet.. ;D

07-13-2004, 10:50 PM
Honest answer..No its not common. The death of a discus in the early amshould not affect the appetite or behavior of the other fish in that tank latter that day unless there is something wrong affecting them as well...

Try not to over examine them..Are they really behaving different or are you just worried because of the recent events.


07-13-2004, 11:49 PM
Lights just went out. I will watch in the morning. Hopefully I am just over reacting and paranoid.

07-14-2004, 03:44 PM
Karen, Al,

The smae thing happened with one of my fish, it started thrashing while I was doing water change, it continued to thrash for another day before it passed away, Do you know what caused this?


07-15-2004, 06:24 PM
I have no idea. I am sorry to say. I have had others do the same thing at various times. I figured they were scared by me or a shadow or equipment or something. The next WC they were fine. Would say it happened maybe 2-3 times with diferent fish. This time was different. It was the same fish and it thrashed around repeatedly for 3 days.

07-16-2004, 05:23 PM
i agree with al's first reply. there will be times like this...

unfortunately i've been battling problems for a few months now. things are starting to come under control but i've lost alot of fish..

not much you can do, just treat them to the best of your knowledge, ask for help and keep those tanks clean!

good luck i hope you can get it under control quickly. don't let it discurage you against the hobby.


07-16-2004, 05:40 PM
Al and Carol know I was having some problems with the existing fish in my tank since my 2 fish died, here is an update for the rest of you

I have the greatest news: They were bored with there food. For the last month or so, it has been mostly color bits, once in a while flake, becuase I was relying on the feeders. I was optimistic the last few days thinking they were eating while I was not watching, but looking at the feces, I inwardly knew the truth. Today I went and bought some shrimp and BW EVERY SINGLE FISH devoured the food. They have eagerly eaten twice already since I have been home. All seems very very normal.

Thanks for all the concern.