View Full Version : Can't Figure Out What's Wrong

06-19-2004, 06:12 PM
I have nine discus from 3 -5 inches in a 55 gal BB tank. Nitrate, nitrite and ammonia are all 0 temp 84 ph 8.. Fish are dark but eat well stay in a bunch all the time and just don't seem to be right. So this is what I did. I added salt @ 2 tbsp/10 gal and raised temp to 90 deg. Fish responded beautifully. color brightened up and appetite increased as did their activity. I kept this up for about two weeks. I am now slowly bring temp down and weening off salt. Sure enough fishes color is no as bright and they are getting back to the same routine. It has to be my water but I don't know exactly what it is about the water that I should do. I need some advice. Thanks.

06-19-2004, 07:06 PM
You might want to try formalin every other day for a week -

06-19-2004, 07:12 PM
Hi dmacch,

I would think you are right about it being water and there are many people here who will be able to advise you about tap water. I have very soft water and have to watch the kH measurements like a hawk.

What is your pH, Kh?? What sort of water are you using (tap, RO, etc) Are you aging your water? Also, NO nitrates sounds not quite right to me? Are you using the same test kit for all measurements, how old is it?

I think you could add a little salt again while you get this sorted out. Two weeks is not an terribly long period to use salt and another week would not hurt while you find out the problem. While I was learning how to handle my water problems I found that salt helped them.


06-19-2004, 07:19 PM
was working on my reply before Carol's arrived. I would think that Carol would still be interested in the measurements I mentioned???

Carol, can I ask what you are thinking they may have and why the formalin a day apart? You can never learn too much in anticipation!!!!


06-19-2004, 07:52 PM
ph is 8 out of the tap and after aging. I age for 24 hours using a submersible pump to agitate water. water that goes into tank is same that is in the tank. kh and gh are 6.

06-19-2004, 10:03 PM
Because they appear healthier with heat and salt and turn dark when temp is lowered. Many fish parasites do not tolerate high temps.

06-20-2004, 09:22 AM
Parasites can hang around for a long time, so the formalin, along with maintaining a higher temp may help.

Also, you mentioned you had 9 fish in your tank, ranging in size from 3-5 inches? How many are the larger size?...if the fish are all closer to the 5" size than you're at the point where you should be considering a larger tank.
