View Full Version : aarrggggg need help

11-24-2003, 03:58 PM
Hi all. it's me again and in need of some help.

I started with 9 discus and now down to 5 and the biggest one I have is not doing well.

They are turquois and now the biggest one has turned black starting yesterday and the other 4 are fine.

He shows no external problems at all, tank temp is 86 and parameters are perfect.

I added salt at 1 tbsp per 10 gallons along with metro thinking it is internal parasites again.

Did I do the right thing and is there anything else I need to do?

11-24-2003, 05:45 PM
How did the other 4 discus die?

11-24-2003, 07:17 PM
I got the 9 discus early spring with the first 4 dying almost back to back and by May the 4 all died after I tried metro and salt. They were all from the same spawn and these 4 were runts.

The 4 died all within 4 weeks of getting them. These last 5 have been healthy and happy from day 1. Until now that is.

4 of the 5 are doing and looking good except for the 5th largest one.

11-24-2003, 08:35 PM
What is your water change schedule?
Gravel, plants, other tankmates?
Have you added anything new to the tank?

11-25-2003, 12:33 AM
I change water at 30% every second day. Not a thing new added to the tank. Have 5 discus in a 55 gallon tank. Tank is well cycled and has a very thin layer of gravel across the bottom. Have 4 cory cat fish and a small pleco in there right from the day the discus were added to this tank. Wipe down the glass once a week with the tank brush wrapped in a paper towel. I also have 2 corner sponge filters that are gently squeezed out in the tank water I just took out for the water change once a month.

No live plants at all, have a large plastic plant and a couple of ornaments. Gravel vac every second week. They eat flakes, pellets, frozen brine shrimp and frozen hikari blood worms.

I use tap water for the water changes and it comes out of the tap at 7.6 and when I change the water it is at 7.8 in the tank. They are fine otherwise and eat like pigs just like my angelfish.

After I added the salt and metro today the big discus seems to be somewhat better and coming out more and has lost alot of it's black and sort of back to it's stripes.

Do you think it was internal parasites again? Should I continue with the metro treatment?

I love the discus, they are georgeous but one heck of alot touchier than the angelfish are that's for sure. Have had them for 6 months now and they have done very well, don't grow as fast as the angels do but are an awesome fish and don't want to lost them to something I am doing wrong.

11-25-2003, 02:07 AM
The Metro may not work if you cannot raise the temperature to like 92 or so. Frank

11-25-2003, 03:18 AM
Frank is correct on the Metro temperature. Are you seeing white, mucus like feces? Has the discus stopped eating, dark eyed, dark body, hiding in the back of the tank? If your discus has all these symtoms you need to ask yourself why suddenly 6 months later your discus is getting sick. What has changed? You've not added anything to the tank.

I'm betting it is a water quality issue.

Vacuuming the gravel every other week is probably not enough. You are correct . . . . Discus are different that Angel Fish - they need much cleaner water to stay healthy. Stir your gravel up and see whats hiding down in the crevices.

11-25-2003, 04:34 AM
You use tap water straight from the tap? Are you aging the tap water or otherwise making sure you get rid of the chlorine or chloramines? Just asking because sometimes we always assume that when people say they use tap water they are aging it first....

Like you, I also breed angels and have noticed that the angels have an incredible ability to tolerate chlorine in their water changes. Discus....no way! Even the smallest amount puts them off and can kill them. My theory is that angels have a much more efficient ability to carry oxygen in their blood compared to discus. So the angels can tolerate chlorine poisoning to a certain extent. Personal experience here.... maybe double check your water for chlorine or chloramine, after treating.. Might be what is going on here.


11-25-2003, 11:04 AM
Hi Sara.....

I also have 2 corner sponge filters that are gently squeezed out in the tank water I just took out for the water change once a month.

You said you just cleaned the sponge filters...... You should probably alternate cleaning them..... one every other week. I wonder how much beneficial bacteria was wiped out of those sponges??? Maybe enough to cause a little ammonia... JMO......

The salt will help sooth them in this case ;)

11-25-2003, 11:05 AM
I agree with Frank, Carol and Dan!

I would also recommend vacuuming more often like every water change!

What is your ph before the water change?
What is your nitrate level at?
