View Full Version : Discus Conversation

04-28-2003, 01:47 AM
What they say when you leave the room . . .

Here is a sample conversation between two discus encountering each other as they drift aimlessly about their 55 gallon tank:

1st DISCUS (IN A SHRILL, WHINING COCKNEY ACCENT): Oh, hello, Mr. Hi-Fin German Blue.

2nd DISCUS (IN A PROFOUND, BASSO GERMAN VOICE): Hello, Mrs. Wild-Caught Heckel.

1st DISCUS: Hot, isn’t it?

2nd DISCUS: Yes, it’s very hot in here. It’s always hot in here.

1st DISCUS: That’s because they always keep the bloody thermostat set at bloody 86 degrees.

2nd DISCUS: Yes, it’s like a bathtub.

1st DISCUS: It was never this hot in the Amazon.

2nd DISCUS: I bet the food was better, too.

1st DISCUS: You can bloody well say that again. Nice insect larvae – fresh, not frozen. And none of this bloody beefheart, either. And, oh – you should have seen the Macrobranchium shrimp!

2nd DISCUS: I bet you knew just how to eat those!

1st DISCUS (LAUGHING): You’re bloody well right about that! Nip, nip – bite their eyes out. Swoosh! Flip ‘em over! Chomp – disembowel ‘em.

2nd DISCUS: Not like these frozen brine shrimp, eh?

1st DISCUS: You can bloody well say that again.

2nd DISCUS: Have you noticed a change in the pH lately?

1st DISCUS: Oh, yes – I was just saying to Mrs. Alenquer Red, feels bloody neutral in here! The

bloody peat moss needs to be changed again.

2nd DISCUS: I think the reverse osmosis unit is broken, as well.

1st DISCUS: Yes, I thought the water tasted a bit hard. Still, that’s to be expected around here. We haven’t even had a bloody water change in three days!

2nd DISCUS: And the tank decor – very plain.

1st DISCUS: Plain? It’s horrendous! Bare walls, bare floor–nothing but a bloody sponge filter and a hatching cone! What do they think this is – a bloody bordello?

2nd DISCUS: Well, nice talking to you, Mrs. Wild-Caught Heckel.

1st DISCUS: Same to you, Mr. Hi-Fin German Blue.

Remember, this sort of conversation is repeated ad nauseam in discus aquaria around the world, day after day after day. All too often, the existence of a discus is boring, monotonous, repetitive. Nothing to do but swim, eat, and spawn. Swim, eat, spawn. No wonder they complain.

One thing we can do for our fish is to improve their tank decoration. Can you think of anything more boring than a bare fishtank? Discus have refined sensibilities and are known to be fond of tasteful decor. In fact, nothing brings on an attack of Hexamita faster than the stress produced by poorly coordinated tank decorations. It’s especially important to avoid clashes between bubbling and non-bubbling accessories. For example, the culture shock imposed by placing a bubbling astro-dog toy too close to a ceramic mini-pagoda can cause severe respiratory distress and possibly swim bladder disorders. These fish are very sensitive and care must be taken to avoid hurting their feelings.

Above taken from "Companion Fish for Discus"
by Dr. Steven J. Schiff
I thought it was funny. Let me know if this sort of thing is inappropriate on this board, or if I'm the only one who hasn't seen this yet.

04-28-2003, 01:58 AM
LOL. ok..but my fish dont complain quite so much.
but mr. marlboro does say..".the ph is sliding..if she doesnt get her act togeather and add some nice coral lego.for us to build our ph up with...we.re gonna crash .!!!!!!!
where is our maid to clean our floor? and wipe our walls down?
when is daylight savings time coming? it doesnt stay light very long...lately. "
mrs. marlboro says: " quit complaining and take these brats off my fins. i need to go get groceries. "
NO artsy crafty type decor for us...kinda tacky dont you think? we like wide open vaulted ceiling type airy accomodations.

04-28-2003, 02:28 AM
We're soooo hungry. Feed me, feed me, feed me. . . . Thank heavens there's no tank decorations blocking our view of the refrigerator. . . . . Is it blackworms? Wait, stop, don't walk by . . . . We're sooo hungry :'(

04-28-2003, 02:39 AM
sir Blue Diamond says.....

"Man.....at our house.....there are tall trees all over the place for our worms to get lost in. a thick dense forest with underbrush!! wheres the machete and chainsaw? we want our worms out of that underbrush!!! and theres snails..and creepy crawlies all over under there..."

04-28-2003, 12:10 PM
wow! must be nice to have so much free time to be able to get so bored to think up a conversation like that.

if i had time like that i think i'd just do another water change. lol

04-28-2003, 03:46 PM
Hmm, why do they speak with English accents????


04-28-2003, 04:50 PM
I'm sorry but I put the baby monitor up in the fish room, and mine don't say anything like that at all.HMMM... Must be localized.

I have heard mine say...
"I wish he'd leave us the A-1 Steak sauce for that Beef heart"

"sure he gets the home brew, we get the flat RO water"

"hey , check out the neighhbors. What I wouldn't give to get into that tank! ;D"

" Welcome to the neighborhood, man--you'll love it here! Everything you need the strange creature with no fins brings you. Its like paradise here. You eat, swim, mate and do it again. Who could ask for more?"

" hey.. why does she always get paired up with him... I'd give my left fin to shimmy and shake with that hunk"

" wow Dude, go easy on the formalin. I'm seeing 3 of you"

" Yes Domino's Pizza? Hi we'd like 10 large meat lovers combos, delivered to 75 Maltby drive. leave the bill in the mail box, and drop of the pizzas at the back door....whats that ? something to drink with it? No thanks we swimming already here :) "

"Oh No, not that radio station again, I wish this guy would play something with a little hip hop to it!"

"Uh-oh... epsom salt, There goes the neighborhood!"


04-28-2003, 06:05 PM
LOL Brew,. love the epsom salt one.
Ok...well im sure my fish do talk...and i talk away to them...and even discipline them if they dare try escape their tank and take the big leap of faith!!
And ive even scooped a few up off the cold hard ground and asked them "now where did that get you eh? "
Of course they were too ashamed of their actions and stunned to answer me.!!

04-28-2003, 06:41 PM
Ooo! Yunk! Freddy just had another bowl movement! Now look at the crap at the bottom of the tank! I thought we all agreed to only once a day! I think we should gang up on him! He's always making a mess! Not only that, he is always hogging food! AND WHERE IS THAT SERVANT! COME CLEAN UP THIS SH*T! SHEESH! Beauties like us cant STAND this mess! I feel soooo unclean!

04-29-2003, 02:12 AM