View Full Version : She's laying eggs now what?

03-25-2003, 04:55 PM
I have 2 PB's paired up in a 20 gallon high. I just noticed about an hour ago that she was laying eggs. This is my first time, so can or should I do anything special? Should I hold up on water changes? Or should I just keep pacing around the waiting area ??? ???
This would be a first time for both the male and female.

03-25-2003, 05:37 PM
Hi Harry,

Congrats on the new Pair! :)

My advice ... let Nature do its thing and let them have some privacy. .. but do watch from a distance to be sure the male is a male and doing his part....Even then theres no guarantee until the eggs hatch!

Be prepared though, few pairs seem to get it right the first time. So an omlet may be on their dinner or breakfast menu. Eventually they'll get it right.

take care , and Good luck,

03-25-2003, 10:41 PM
Brewmaster passes on wise advise.

"... let Nature do its thing and let them have some privacy. .. "

I believe that has been a big part of my difficulties getting the pair to care for the eggs and fry. The pair were in a high traffic area and got spooked easily...hence no eggs or fry.

Just my observation from my experience...your mileage may differ!


03-25-2003, 11:26 PM
Congrats to you Harry yeeeehaaa!!! Are they in R.O. water????? If not you probably will not get wigglers. Whats the conductivity of your water also whats the temp? Jim& Diane :)

03-26-2003, 12:30 AM
For about the last 4-5 days I've been putting in Ro water with every water change, now my TDS meter reads about 400 ppm. I'm going to keep adding RO water with every water change, I hope to get it to 100. I have a small RO unit that's used mainly for drinking water, it dosen't produce much water every day. The TDS before I started was around 2000 ppm's.
Temp. in the tank is 84.