View Full Version : Interest in SD Audio Community Q&A?

05-21-2020, 09:23 PM
I'm not a moderator nor speaking on behalf of SD but is there interest for a "SD town hall" audio conference? Just checking because I could host via MS Teams App and folks could join even if they didn't want to download MS Teams App (I'd just provide a phone bridge... I'd only need email addresses of interested people if so or could send them phone bridge with conference code).

I just thought it'd be cool and educational as well as awesome to interact with a lot of folks via audio at a minimum (although some with app could use video option).

Just seeing if others would be interested (to include mods & of course Al's blessing! ).

Yes? No? Maybe so?

05-21-2020, 09:40 PM
I like audio (I don't even own a TV) so I vote Maybe.

05-22-2020, 04:33 AM
I would participate if I was on .

Second Hand Pat
05-22-2020, 06:37 AM
I think that is a pretty cool offer Elliot. What type of format are you considering? question/answer, Hi I am so and so, etc. I think we would need someone to serve in the role of narrator to give some structure ie gameplan? Could it be recorded? I think it should be passed by Al.

05-22-2020, 11:21 AM
This is unfamiliar territory for me, but I'm not opposed to it. I think I've had similar conversations with others who have expressed interest. I'll let them know of this thread.

05-22-2020, 11:38 AM
Depending on the day and time, I have an interest.

05-22-2020, 12:23 PM
I have also an interest in this, I had talked to others about maybe doing a livestream Q&A on Facebook. People could post or send questions during the week and answers could be discussed during the weekend.


05-22-2020, 01:02 PM
I like the ideal. So it is a yes from me :)

05-22-2020, 05:26 PM
Based off of Pat's Qs and others comments:

MS Teams App is something my company has made us get very familiar with right now. And we have to host meetings that have most participants being outside of our company PLUS many who don't even want to download the app (you can still join a MS Team meeting as a guest without downloading the app). People can even choose to only use the phone number and code to just call in. It's very flexible.

And YES! I can record it! I'm just wondering if I could take the recording off of the site and upload it to another (I've just never been asked to... I'll be surprised if I can't). I like the recording question Pat had because of course we all don't live in the same area code. So at a minimum our friends in Singapore, Europe, Australia, etc. can have a recording and I'm sure at some point we could do I live one for them (and/or they may be able to find some MS Team nerds like me!)

I always say, "Set the bar low". The first time for most things can be a little rough (e.g., dancing, sports, keeping discus,... love making :antlers:...) so the first run could be a little bumpy but we'll learn and it'll improve. Hell, we may only have 6 or 7 show up, but that's okay! I'd think it'd be cool even just talking with any of you should it only be 2. But if you guys leave me on my front porch with my prom dress on, then I might be curled up in the fetal position with self esteem issues :cry:

I'm used to narrating/verbally hosting so I could do that. For an agenda I'd say 30 mins of a panel or guest talking about any late hot topic (10-15 mins talking and I could show presentations if they want; 10-15 mins of Q&A only on that subject) then at the end have 20 mins of Q&A about ANY topic.

Tk, the only thing with Facebook livestream is I think everyone would need a Facebook acct (unlike MS Teams that doesn't require app to be downloaded). Definitely correct me if I'm wrong (anyone). I don't care if it's tin cans & a string, I'd love to just interact verbally once in awhile with you guys, learn more, and I'm willing to bet it'd make SD become even better through building relationships even more.

For anyone wondering: YES, but I only just started drinking today! :p

Second Hand Pat
05-25-2020, 10:16 AM
Elliot, perhaps the first session could be a format where those who are listening may simply like to introduce themselves and their current fish endeavors. I think you being the host is apropos since this is your idea. Perhaps you and I could do a trial run to get a feel for it.

05-25-2020, 01:57 PM
Elliot, perhaps the first session could be a format where those who are listening may simply like to introduce themselves and their current fish endeavors. I think you being the host is apropos since this is your idea. Perhaps you and I could do a trial run to get a feel for it.

You're speaking my language, Pat :antlers: I always like doing a live practice. I love how you also posted your reply on the thread rather than a private message... because it's proof that I have a phone date with Pat in my near future ;)

Second Hand Pat
05-25-2020, 02:01 PM
You're speaking my language, Pat :antlers: I always like doing a live practice. I love how you also posted your reply on the thread rather than a private message... because it's proof that I have a phone date with Pat in my near future ;)

LOL Elliot, you are too much :D

05-25-2020, 02:49 PM
I need help. I don't have an internal mic in my computer. I can't spend a bundle. I'm totally ignorant about tech stuff. How does this one look to you smart people? https://www.amazon.com/Microphone-Omnidirectional-Condenser-indicator-compatible/dp/B0779PKLV9/ref=sr_1_3?crid=340CQ984VCZUD&dchild=1&keywords=computer+microphone&qid=1590432017&sprefix=computer+micro%2Caps%2C291&sr=8-3

Also, I don't have broad band out there in the sticks. Will my wi fi connection be good enough? It's good enough to stream radio broadcasts.

05-25-2020, 03:07 PM
Liz, absolutely no problem :D. You can just call in using your phone (no computer). In fact, maybe for the first time we could just use our phones only. All audio.

Phone instructions: phone number provided, enter the code when prompted, then press # (I could post phone, code, and time on SD for everyone)

05-25-2020, 03:13 PM
Elliot you are a blessing to me. Please do the stuff you said. I'm looking forward to talking to you and the rest of the gang soon.

05-25-2020, 09:32 PM
THANKS LIZ! Actually, is it alright to use you and Pat simultaneously in order to show the functionality of more than 2 people?

05-25-2020, 10:16 PM
You can use me any time, as long as you put up with my ignorance politely. ')

05-25-2020, 10:36 PM
Liz, absolutely no problem :D. You can just call in using your phone (no computer). In fact, maybe for the first time we could just use our phones only. All audio.

Phone instructions: phone number provided, enter the code when prompted, then press # (I could post phone, code, and time on SD for everyone)

We do something like this to communicate in groups at work almost every day. If it works the same then it is as simple as a phone call plaus a code. At work we can mute or participate and with our system there is an Adobe option for charts and graph presentations.

Second Hand Pat
05-25-2020, 10:37 PM
THANKS LIZ! Actually, is it alright to use you and Pat simultaneously in order to show the functionality of more than 2 people?

Sounds good to me Elliot. PM Liz and I the information and the times you are available and we will get something setup.

05-26-2020, 10:23 AM
I need help. I don't have an internal mic in my computer. I can't spend a bundle. I'm totally ignorant about tech stuff. How does this one look to you smart people? https://www.amazon.com/Microphone-Omnidirectional-Condenser-indicator-compatible/dp/B0779PKLV9/ref=sr_1_3?crid=340CQ984VCZUD&dchild=1&keywords=computer+microphone&qid=1590432017&sprefix=computer+micro%2Caps%2C291&sr=8-3

Also, I don't have broad band out there in the sticks. Will my wi fi connection be good enough? It's good enough to stream radio broadcasts.

Liz, does your computer already have a camera. If you want I can rummage around and see if I can find an old camera and/or mic and just send it.
As far as your WiFi speed, I assume that means you are using your phone as a hotspot to connect your computer to the internet.

Google OOKLA or go to www.speedtest.net and you can measure your download and upload speeds both on your computer and if you download the free app, on your phone.

You need 1.5 Mbps upload and if multi-users about 8Mbps down.

For the group, I know nothing about videoconferencing. My son suggested that Google Meets might be easier for the less experienced, AKA me.

05-26-2020, 10:25 AM
The numbers I gave were for videoconferencing, verizon 4G supports those speeds for me in NJ, not sure how good your coverage is where you are.

05-26-2020, 11:55 AM
YOu all have started talking over my head. Forgive me, but I am a dummy with this stuff. I don't know how my phone connects to the computer. I know it does but I don't use it to brows the web or anything. I use the desk top for that. If my phone won't work for this project I'll probably just figure it's one of those things that I can't do.

Don, I do not have an external camera or mic. I went to Best Buy right when the virus started to be taken seriously to buy one and they were out of all but the real expensive ones. I check them on the internet a few times and the same thing was true then. I haven't looked in a while. The only reason I really want them is that my nephew and I are very close but he lives in London. He wants to be able to Skype me. If you have a couple of old unused laying around that you would be willing to part with I would love to have them. I don't want anything new and fancy, just something that will work.

05-26-2020, 06:25 PM
Liz, did not mean to confuse the issue.
When you said you did not have broadband, I assumed that meant you did not have access to internet other than through your phone.
I used to Skype via a desktop, and had a plug in camera and mike. All that is in my laptop now and I don't even have a desktop, just dock it to a big monitor and keyboard. Whether that mic and camera is still around I am unsure but will do a search and happy to send if I can find, otherwise goes to recycle.

In order to skype you do have to have a minimum speed
Google "OOKLA", the top site on that search will be:
Speedtest by Ookla - The Global Broadband Speed Test
Click on that and it will bring up a safe website with a big button in the middle with GO in the center, click on that
If will run a free test with 3 values, Ping, Download, and Upload, ignore all the other buyme junk.

Let me know what those 3 numbers are and I can let you know if Skype will work well via your desktop.
Will let you know if I can find the camera/mic, if not maybe someone else out there has upgraded and stuck an old camera and/or mic in a box somewhere........

Your other option is to load the WhatsApp APP on your phone, get your nephew to do the same and viola, video chat via cell. Worked with my daughter, NJ to India, sometimes glitchy but usually OK. Used it most though for messaging due to time zone differential.

05-26-2020, 07:15 PM
You are a saint, Don. If you find it shoot me a PM and we'll do the details. I'm sure I confused you when I said I had wi fi. The wi fi is from my computer to my phone. My computer is DSL. I could hook up a land line phone to it, but I don't see the need for one.

I'll do the OOKLA in the morning. I'm best if I do what I'm trying to understand how to do what I don't know how to do in the mornings when I'm fresh. You are a kind, generous and patient man.

05-26-2020, 09:07 PM
If you are running DSL you may or may not have sufficient speed. Years ago my kids called it definitely snail like but speeds have gotten better. Will look for the the stuff tomorrow, if I find will hook up to my computer to see if current windows has the drivers. What version of windows do you run?

05-26-2020, 10:25 PM
I'll send you a PM, Don.

05-31-2020, 04:18 PM
Liz & Pat, I really did have a great time talking with both of you! One thing left for me to do and that's to check if meeting link works within a post. If you want, I can use this thread, post a test link here, and do a quick 5 minute check tonight if either of you want. I won't keep you long at all :D

05-31-2020, 04:53 PM
If you do it today please do it after 6. I have WC to do and for various reasons I won't be able to get started by 4 as usual. If you want to do it another day, just choose the time that's good for you. I'll be there.