View Full Version : Preparing to show a Discus.

05-21-2017, 01:08 PM
Hi Guys,

I have a nice group of 19 x 3" Altum Flora's what are coming on a treat, I have been doing 70% WC daily and feeding them 4 to 5 times a day on my homemade beef heart, my question is that out of the group there are around 4 to 5 that are excelling and are far bigger and fatter than the others, I am looking to show at least one of them at the British show (I'm in England) in October, would you separate these 5 discus from the group and put them in a smaller tank and continue to feed 5 times a day? this way I reckon they will get more BH as there are less to scramble with for the food?

I also heard about people 'Preparing" their fish for a show by isolating it about a month before a show so as it gets used to being alone and will not discolour on the day of the show, thoughts and tips would be very welcome,


05-21-2017, 02:03 PM
I show my discus at regional fish shows in the US and here's what I do.

1. I don't isolate my fish, although I know many people do. I find fish that get daily water changes don't get spooked at shows.
2. I use a plastic colander to move the fish from the tank into a bucket for transportation. In the US, we can get 5-gallon plastic buckets from Home Depot for $4, including lid.
3. I stop feeding my discus 48 hours before moving them so they don't poop in the show tank. A hungry fish is also more lively.
4. I use pure R/O water to transport my fish to avoid any fin burn from accumulated ammonia. If possible, I bring extra R/O for the show tank.
5. I keep extra sponge filters cycled in my grow out tank. This will immediately cycle your show tank.
6. Make sure there's a heater and a light available at the show. If the show doesn't supply them, plan to bring your own.
7. I always have a tight fitting top for my show tanks. There's going to be splashing from adjacent tanks, so have a quarantine tank ready when you come back.
8. I like keeping show discus in 10-gal tanks. It may be a little cramped (I have 7"+ fish), but the discus really look huge!

People who do well at shows usually did some preparation beforehand. It's a ton of fun, so enjoy!


05-21-2017, 03:32 PM
Thanks for your help advice Willie, I keep them in R/O at the moment while they are growing, the show I'm entering is my first and I'm sure it will be fun, I remember them having lights and heater at the show last year but not sure about sponge filters, I too keep spare ones in my sump fully cycled!

Can I ask, your 7+ fish that you show, have you had them since small and grown them, if so what special treatment did you give them i.e., Food, water parameters?

Thanks again

I show my discus at regional fish shows in the US and here's what I do.

1. I don't isolate my fish, although I know many people do. I find fish that get daily water changes don't get spooked at shows.
2. I use a plastic colander to move the fish from the tank into a bucket for transportation. In the US, we can get 5-gallon plastic buckets from Home Depot for $4, including lid.
3. I stop feeding my discus 48 hours before moving them so they don't poop in the show tank. A hungry fish is also more lively.
4. I use pure R/O water to transport my fish to avoid any fin burn from accumulated ammonia. If possible, I bring extra R/O for the show tank.
5. I keep extra sponge filters cycled in my grow out tank. This will immediately cycle your show tank.
6. Make sure there's a heater and a light available at the show. If the show doesn't supply them, plan to bring your own.
7. I always have a tight fitting top for my show tanks. There's going to be splashing from adjacent tanks, so have a quarantine tank ready when you come back.
8. I like keeping show discus in 10-gal tanks. It may be a little cramped (I have 7"+ fish), but the discus really look huge!

People who do well at shows usually did some preparation beforehand. It's a ton of fun, so enjoy!


05-21-2017, 03:34 PM
Here they are :)


05-22-2017, 11:31 PM
I keep my discus in my fish room, so there's no need for decorations. They get a 100% W/C every morning - that's pretty much all there is to it. ;)

You got some nice fish in the grow out tank. Do your water changes, keep the tank clean and I can guarantee you'll get a few 7" specimen out of that tank.


05-25-2017, 04:20 PM
Very interesting thread started by OP.
Thanks for the thorough and informative answer Willy .
I hope other experienced members will share their experiences and procedures in preparing their fish for a show too .