View Full Version : My very first pair spawned Whooooweeeee....

12-20-2015, 09:47 PM
Want to share my very first clutch of eggs, was so surprised to see it yesterday morning, After 48 hrs. I saw just a few eggs turning white and the rest are still shinny orange. Does this means I have fertile eggs?? If this is the case, then I now have a true pair. I know that these eggs will be eaten soon because I can see a lot of attempts from the other fish in the tank and the parents are trying their best to defend it. Was so ecstatic to see it as it marks the start of my dream coming to reality. My ultimate goal. What adds up to the excitement is that they are just on their 12th day in their new set up. 2 pairs paired up on their fifth day and then yesterday I saw this.

http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k233/monching44/th_20151219_122609_zpsvosjqhqp.mp4 (http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k233/monching44/20151219_122609_zpsvosjqhqp.mp4)

Altum Nut
12-20-2015, 11:21 PM
Congrates Ramon.
At this stage I would try and guard eggs if you can with mesh and see if they hatch.


12-21-2015, 02:06 AM
Hey Congrats! That is an awesome thing to see! Well done, and good luck with it :)

12-21-2015, 11:15 AM
Good news and yes, it seems like a real pair. You'll need to remove the pair to the their own tank, 20 gals. - 29 gals. is a good size, if you want to take this further as raising fry in a general community Discus tank is pretty much un-doable.

12-21-2015, 06:50 PM
Thanks you so much Guys �� my childhood dream of breeding them successfully is no longer out of reach, I believe with this, it's just around the corner. Anyway, as expected eggs were gone except for 2 wiglers that I saw this morning, now even the wiglers were gone. Will transfer them in their own 20 gal. tonight. Wish me luck☺

12-22-2015, 11:09 AM
It looks like a viable pair. I know the feeling of looking forward to success after long awaited anticipation.

Just give them time to get it down and have patience. It may take them a few, or a number of, tries to get it right.

01-15-2016, 01:26 PM
My journey in Discus care and keeping is coming to it's conclusion which is taking care of them from juvies and having them spawn and successfully have babies. Now after 13 months to my journey, I now have my very first wigglers. I just hope they will make it. notices more white eggs than wigglers but I don't mind. Even just a few will do just to see them grow with my own eyes. I now have 4 true pairs in my community tank which I plan to breed on rotation basis as I don't have enough tank and space to breed them all at once. Thank you so much Simplydiscus for all the help I got in this forum. More power guys.
http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k233/monching44/th_received_10153399920656884_zpsredhbbbh.mp4 (http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k233/monching44/received_10153399920656884_zpsredhbbbh.mp4)

01-15-2016, 01:40 PM
My journey in Discus care and keeping is coming to it's conclusion which is taking care of them from juvies and having them spawn and successfully have babies. Now after 13 months to my journey, I now have my very first wigglers. I just hope they will make it. notices more white eggs than wigglers but I don't mind. Even just a few will do just to see them grow with my own eyes. I now have 4 true pairs in my community tank which I plan to breed on rotation basis as I don't have enough tank and space to breed them all at once. Thank you so much Simplydiscus for all the help I got in this forum. More power guys.
http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k233/monching44/th_received_10153399920656884_zpsredhbbbh.mp4 (http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k233/monching44/received_10153399920656884_zpsredhbbbh.mp4)

Congratulations Ramon!

01-15-2016, 02:17 PM
Congratulations Ramon!
Thank you so much Heidi��

01-15-2016, 02:20 PM
congrats OP. I can imagine you are so excited, I hope to have that feeling one day I have no spawns yet. Good job to you and great looking tank. They will soon need their own honeymoon suite.

01-15-2016, 02:45 PM


01-15-2016, 03:51 PM
Thanks guys:o you should have seen how ecstatic I am. The same feeling of excitement when I first laid my eyes on these beauties 43 years ago. I feel like I'm 9 years old again getting my very first pet. Sooooooooo happy. I was able to accomplish my childhood dream of seeing them hatch up close and personal. Thanks again my Simplydiscus family for all the help.

Las Vegas
01-15-2016, 04:40 PM
Good Job Ramon... Your a Discus PaPa now! Remember to pass out cigars and get your fishy names book out! LOL! Have fun and congrats to you!

01-15-2016, 11:33 PM
Congrats! I am having a similar feeling this week from beginning the grow out experience; been looking forward to discus for a long time. Never too old to feel 9 again as far as I'm concerned! Good luck with them and hope you keep having fun. Don't forget to share pics along the way... :)