View Full Version : A question on numbers versus size of tank?

04-21-2015, 03:28 PM
With discus and aggression/calmness/etc is it generally more a matter of numbers or a matter of space and being a bit crowded? Lets say you have 10-12 in a 90 doing well together, then you move the group up to a 240... are you going to need to bump the numbers up to avoid new pecking order issues? Also, if you say move the group up to a large, I'm talking really decent sized tank like some of the 300-500 gallon tanks I read about on message boards, do they do just fine and use the entire tank, or do you NEED to bump up the numbers and crowd it a bit? I have no discus now, I'm thinking of trying something large in the future and asking about group sizes just to figure out fish budget versus tank size.



04-21-2015, 03:33 PM
I don't think one would need to bump the numbers up as sometimes a larger environment can cut down on aggression (my observations on my tank when I removed 1/2 of the angel fish, everybody calmed as there was more room... I sold the angels to a fish store).

The only time I have seen discus be territorial is when a pair was protecting eggs or getting ready to lay eggs in a specific spot. This is just my experience and observation and I am sure someone who has kept discus longer will be around with a better answer.

04-21-2015, 03:47 PM
here is my, still learning, by no means expert opinion. as long as you provide them ample territorial dividers they will be happy in any size tank given that the tank is big enough for the number of fish in it. I have 6 in a 75 and they fight over the visually obvious territories that are created by the placement of the wood. I have one fish who claims the wide open water as his territory but it makes him happy so i'm not adding more wood. I think there is some truth to the theory that a huge blank tank can cause a fish to feel lost, no visual reminders of where they are in the tank can cause some fish to freak out. id say just make sure to have ample hardscape to provide them territories and you wont have to up your number of fish. I mean I would just because I could, more discus = more happiness to me!

04-21-2015, 05:46 PM
They are cichlids and will have a pecking order. You don't have to completely stock the tank but you also do t really want a 500 gallon tank with 6 discus. You could but they are addicting and you'll probably end up with more anyway.

04-21-2015, 06:35 PM
They are cichlids and will have a pecking order. You don't have to completely stock the tank but you also do t really want a 500 gallon tank with 6 discus. You could but they are addicting and you'll probably end up with more anyway.

Having just 6 isn't the issue, having to have 20-30 or more just to keep the peace could be. Also, assuming a workable school size is found, do discus utilize a good portion of the available space or just group in their favorite spot?

04-23-2015, 11:35 PM
They'll always have a pecking order. I'd transfer the 10-12 fish to the 240, let them acclimate to their new home, and if you want more fish, you can comfortably add another 10 to the 240. Good luck.

04-26-2015, 06:56 AM
Currently 22 discus in 125 gallon tank. Right now one big peaceful groupo....tank is BB with a few pieces of DW and rocks. The best setup so far as for peace among my discus.

04-27-2015, 03:06 PM
i have 8 discus in a 180 right now and they use all the space in the tank. the two biggest discus claim the one vertical log for laying eggs. they are pretty laid back even when protecting the nest. the only aggression is from a teenage male who is mateless and frustrated. but he spreads his aggression out amongst all the fish and everyone puts up with him for now, with the larger ones keeping him in line when he gets too rowdy.