View Full Version : Warring factions in tank…(sign)

01-12-2015, 06:28 PM
Hi All,

Seems I have two warring factions in my 92 gal Discus tank. One group stays toward the rear and the other is in the front right corner. My tank is a battle ground and they all seem to just pick at their food which has me concerned. Had small drift wood with silk plants in center of tank; however, thought they might be fighting over territory so I removed it this AM.

Should I be concerned? Will it ever end??

Still doing 35% water change in AM and 50% in PM with aged water. Feed blood worms and FDBW. Want to add other food but don't want to stress them further.


01-12-2015, 06:43 PM
There are a few things you can do. The first, I would advise you to stop moving things around in the tank. If you arrange things differently in their tank, they will more than likely fight out a pecking order again. If you keep moving stuff around, they may just keeping fighting until you stop. Secondly, how do you currently feed? If you feed in one section of the tank, I would advise you to spread it around some. Are you sure you are feeding enough? Is there much food left over after 10 minutes?

01-12-2015, 06:58 PM
Okay thanks, will stop moving things. I do water changes in AM and PM because I overfeed. I make sure it is all over my tank and there is always some left. Lately there has been a lot leftover and I'm getting concerned. I start out by sticking a FDBW cube to the glass while I hold another cube to make sure everyone is eating. They used to just attack both cubes; however, now they are barley touching them. Same with the blood worms. I spread these out all over the bottom and now there is a lot left.

The only thing that has changed that I know of is that everyone seems to be pairing up. My big blue is protecting my orange from the melon. My big brown is protecting the Fuji from anything that moves.

Forgot to mention my temp is at 83



01-12-2015, 07:21 PM
How old are these discus?

01-12-2015, 07:21 PM
Have they always acted like this, have you introduced any fish lately, are they huddled together.

01-12-2015, 08:41 PM
Hi All,

Just got home and checked tank really good. The orange and blue laid eggs on back of tank. The brown and Fuji in corner behind temp strip. I guess that explains why they're trying to keep everyone else away. Sure makes for a violent tank...:(


01-12-2015, 08:55 PM
Congrats, yes It gets interesting.