View Full Version : discus

05-18-2013, 05:33 PM
I have 125 gal tank with Moba frontosa in it. Thinking selling them putting discus in the tank. What would I need to do to the tank for the channge over. new to Discus. Thanks

05-18-2013, 07:13 PM
You should read all the stickys in the beginer forums here. Actually read them in every forum here and read, read and read again. You might want to post your current water parameters and temp. Also your tank set up and filtration. Are you adding anything else to your water besides a conditioner like a cichlid salt or buffer?

05-18-2013, 07:32 PM
You should read all the stickys in the beginer forums here. Actually read them in every forum here and read, read and read again. You might want to post your current water parameters and temp. Also your tank set up and filtration. Are you adding anything else to your water besides a conditioner like a cichlid salt or buffer?

Using FX5, Temp 78, PH 7.8/8.0. Only thing added is to raise PH.

05-18-2013, 08:01 PM
Raise your temp to 84 and stop adding to raise your ph is the short answer.The long one is break everything down,bleach out the tank,start completely over,no gravel or bleach it if you want it,and read the stickys.

05-19-2013, 07:17 AM
If you understand the needs of raising discus, then you will see that it is not as easy as most people want it to be.

As mentioned reading the sticky threads will help you a lot. You have to have good water, make lots of water changes, good food and the list goes on.

I am not trying to discourage you or anyone but discus are not cheap to buy or take care of. So having a better understanding of the requirements will help.

In that size tank you will want discus over 4" in size. Little guys would get lost and require a lot more water changes.

Good luck. We are here to help.

Discus Ranz
05-22-2013, 11:23 AM
Just to add what these guys already said...... with a tank that size, youre going to want to add at least 6 to 8 fish to make them feel comfortable and adjust more quickly. Make sure you get them all from the same supplier. Disasters happen so quickly with Discus. They, in my opinion, are the most rewarding fish to keep............ however they require the most work.

Definately read up on some of the members beefheart recipes as well. In addition to very healthy water conditions you need to have a healthy diet for them. Flake & Bloodworms arent going to cut it.

Welcome to the addiction!!!!:D
